Heresiarch of Uqbar

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Heresiarch of Uqbar

Statistician with an interest in physics, math, current events, and whatever else. (He/him)
ross "i" douthat "very much"
BIg meeting tomorrow with my attorney, the inestimable Leonard Leo. It's never been more exciting to be the last heir of dim Carcosa. Wish me luck🫰🫰
the United States has one of the oldest constitutions in the world and is no longer, practically speaking, capable of amending it this leaves us, on many issues, only a slight step up from strange women lying in ponds distributing swords as a system of government
The problem, as always, is that the U.S. system is uniquely bad among wealthy democracies.
Sounds like it's a big day for people who want a gun that bounces around by itself and can't be held steady and pulls its own trigger, or what is traditionally known as "a curse."
We're so incredibly desensitized to the concept of spending a year or fifty years in a box. So many people are so vehement about doing more of this, and they seem to have thought about it so little.
When I hear about these cases, I think about how we all get one life. Just one. And wrongful convictions steal decades of that life from people. They don't get to experience being in their 20s, learning how to live life and falling in love and learning who you are. Precious time, stolen.
When I hear about these cases, I think about how we all get one life. Just one. And wrongful convictions steal decades of that life from people. They don't get to experience being in their 20s, learning how to live life and falling in love and learning who you are. Precious time, stolen.
"They were all teens at the time of their arrest, and confessed to a detective, who had worked under infamous police Cmdr. Jon Burge." Then-State's Attorney Richard M Daley was informed of police torture under Burge as early as 1982. The city stole decades from these men. It owes them.
This is very bad because they want to implement fascism in place of the Constitution. But I wish progressives were as comfortable talking about a new Constitution as reactionaries are. Imagine if the Heritage Foundation spent decades enshrining "originalism" and it was suddenly moot.
I personally want to congratulate Donald Trump for finally winning a popular vote
I cannot more strongly encourage someone to examine Cotton’s service record, given how willing he is to harm peaceful protesters
Sitting Republicans within Congress are now advising members of the public to attack protesters openly. We are getting closer to something that once it’s out of the bottle, it will never go back in.
Yes, the fascists think they're going to be able to make this happen in the impending election. Elections are something that impend now. Even those who put the most hope in them speak of them more like disasters to narrowly avoid than opportunities for improvement and change.
Linda Tirado is dying after a MPLS officer shot her in the face with a "less lethal" round and I hope every one of these officers gets an excruciatingly painful terminal illness.
"A sergeant was fired for pepper-spraying a Vice reporter as he lay prone on the pavement, waving his press credential. Another was terminated for brutally beating Jaleel Stallings, a 29-year-old Army veteran out past curfew. Eight were suspended for using excessive force on protesters. . ."
Minneapolis officers reprimanded for misconduct in 2020 after George Floyd’s Newly published discipline reports reveal that former police chiefs moved to terminate two officers for excessive force and suspended others for failing to uphold department policy.
the private equity acquisition process where they take out huge loans to buy a company, put those loans on the company’s balance sheet and liquidate the company to pay them off (while looting the assets) should be made illegal it is a purely destructive process and it’s absurd that we allow it
Just got a news alert saying Joann Fabrics is going into bankruptcy due to decreasing demand. Article fails to say that it was purchased by a private equity firm a while ago and recently went public and is carrying $2.4 billion in debt. Private equity strikes again.
We've just wrapped up our third story and now is a FANTASTIC time to go read Blade Maidens! A bloody, sexy, queer fantasy romp starring a group of mercenaries dodging bounty hunters and fae queens alike. Nearly 100 pages up to read for FREE now, and our 4th story starts soon!!
ok now make an animated napoleon movie and let kate beaton direct it
#physics #astronomy Has anyone said that Taylor and Wheeler seem like great parents because they have big mom energy? Sadly when I first read the book, we didn't have the tools to construct this joke. Scientists would have ridiculed and scorned me for trying.
"Not the odds, but the stakes..." is my shorthand for the organizing principle we most need in campaign coverage. Not who has what chances of winning, but the consequences for American democracy. I have been floating this phrase since March. This week it took off a bit, after CNN wrote about it.
Journalism professor’s six-word mantra is a blueprint for how news outlets should cover the 2024 NYU journalism professor Jay Rosen implores newsrooms to organize 2024 campaign coverage around the stakes of the presidential contest — not the horse race.
I heard there was a secret cord The baby'd pull if you loved the Lord But you don't really want to save it, do ya
Exonerated Five member Yusef Salaam has won a seat on the New York City Council, more than three decades after he was wrongfully accused and convicted as a teenager
Exonerated ‘Central Park Five’ member Yusef Salaam wins New York City Council Exonerated “Central Park Five” member Yusef Salaam won a seat Tuesday evening on the New York City Council.
End of feed.