
Kyle Clark: "Do you think that there's going to be some safe place carved out for journalists who just never challenged the rise of authoritarianism? So you can cover what? And do what? The things that the government tells you are OK to cover?"
The speaker is prominent Denver 9NEWS anchor Kyle Clark, "who is growing a well-deserved reputation as a local journalist unafraid to call out bigotry and political extremism." See the highlighted portion especially. [From Corey Hutchins's newsletter on the Colorado media scene.]
Kyle Clark is a local damn hero who deserves a national stage.
I love him. In general I like 9news for my local coverage.
for local news, they're surprisingly good at not being reactionary fearmongering weirdos.
Also, I love Rob Proctor and look forward to watching Proctor’s Garden on Sunday Mornings. What a great local segment.
That’s my take. I’m not left feeling like I should be afraid of much except the police, who do shoot a lot of people.
Every authoritarian regime needs its Baghdad Bob.
Kyle Clark is a real one. We are incredibly lucky to have him.
When they killed Alan Berg they killed Liberal Media and it has never returned
All the people trying to steal our basic human rights just want to be left alone to live in the Capital in Hunger Games
As a Denverite I'd hate to lose him, but Clark deserves a shot at anchoring NBC Nightly News.
A response to a response to conjecture. Who/what are the some journalists afraid to cover democracy.
The answer is yes. There will always be journalists that don't challenge authoritarianism. They will have material rewards if they claw their way past all the other shills, but never a shred of credibility.
Kyle Clark is one of the best! I hope 9News keeps letting him do his thing with Next. And his Word of Thanks campaign raising funds & awareness about Colorado charities has introduced me to so many great causes.