Susana Wadgymar🌿🔬

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Susana Wadgymar🌿🔬

Evolutionary ecologist, Botanist, Assistant Professor at Davidson College (PUI 💪🏼), she/her

I am working with a few arabidopsis accessions and am uncertain whether they are summer or winter annuals. Is there a customary threshold of time passed after which I should classify remaining non-flowering plants as winter annuals and vernalize them? #PlantScience #Evolution 🌱 🌍
Does anyone have recommendations for kid-friendly metal detectors? We're going to the beach next month and I think my kids (5 and 7) will get a kick out of it.
omgomgomgomgomgmogomgmogomgogmgomgmg YELLING WORKS BULLYING UR GOVT WORKS LET'S GOOOOOO
After months of public outcry and pressure from the City Council, New York City’s libraries are poised to have their budgets fully restored so that branches may resume seven-day-a-week service, including Sundays.
NYC libraries to get budget funding back — and reopen on In November, the mayor's budget cuts forced libraries to close on Sundays. The issue has been a thorn in his side ever since.
Does anyone know of a reliable spectrometer for measuring wavelengths and color spectra that isn't too expensive? 🧪
Room is packed for regional botany lecture by Kaya DeerInWater!! #botany2024
FYI you can see all of the Primers published to date here:
#Botany2024 attendees I'd love to talk to you about how you can contribute a Primer in Plant Sciences to Topic: your choice Audience: beginning learners Benefits: creating accessible learning/teaching materials while promoting interest and knowledge of plants 🌱 #Botany
International Journal of Plant Sciences: Primers in the Plant
#Botany2024 attendees I'd love to talk to you about how you can contribute a Primer in Plant Sciences to Topic: your choice Audience: beginning learners Benefits: creating accessible learning/teaching materials while promoting interest and knowledge of plants 🌱 #Botany
It looks like there won't be a PUI mixer at Botany this year. If anyone wants to meet up and chat, let me know! #Botany 🌱
Pro version of chatGPT vs. pro version of Claude. My institution will cover it, but we can only pick one. Any thoughts? #AcademicSky
And on the other side of the bloom, while the lynx spider is occupied, a tiny bee collects purple pollen. Ligated Furrow Bee (Halictus ligatus) 🌿
Just exquisite. Western Lynx Spider (Oxyopes scalaris) on Mariposa Lily (Calochortus sp.) 🌿
#SACNAS is now accepting applications to the 4th annual Postdoc Leadership Institute (PLI). ~20 slots available. PLI is a pre-conference & conference program held at the #2024NDiSTEM conference in Phoenix, AZ. Oct 31-Nov 2. Apply by July 26th! #2024PLI fyi. I'm one of the PLI facilitators.
Feeding this article into my new custom AI chatbot GremlinGPT1.0™ to unlock the puzzle of offsets. Chatbot says "Carbon credits are perhaps the fastest way to unleash hundreds of billions of dollars in climate finance for a policy model that has failed for 30 years."
Tomorrow, the US government is to announce guidelines for the use of carbon offsets to claim climate action without engaging in direct emissions reductions - a move widely seen as beneficial to the massive companies that generate and trade them
Perhaps the best thing one gets from higher education is understanding that a lot of questions don't have clear answers, and a lot of problems lack clear solutions. It follows that those who are trying to dismantle higher ed gain power by providing wrong answers and fake solutions.
If you are interested in learning moss identification, check out this fun 3-day workshop in August at OSU's Stone Lab in Lake Erie August 9-11 🧪
Sad to hear Golden Rice's commercialisation has been delayed yet again, but I'm happy to learn the decision is likely to be overturned. Also it's nice the Guardian actually went and talked to scientists, rather than just Greenpeace
‘A catastrophe’: Greenpeace blocks planting of ‘lifesaving’ Golden Thousands of children could die after court backs campaign group over GM crop in Philippines, scientists warn
I love you and I want you to start your mushrooms in a dry pan. DRY. Med-high heat, flip when you start seeing beads of water on the faces of 2-3 slices (3-6 minutes depending on your stove & recklessness). 2-3 more minutes, then add butter/oil (&garlic/herbs if u want), 1-2 mins. Finish w salt.
Look. I care about climate change a lot. I'm close to a single-issue voter on the subject! But we have GOT to stop worrying about what are, in the scheme of things, rounding errors. I hate, hate, hate this kind of personal-responsibility climate stuff, it's deeply counterproductive.
The whole idea that climate change can be meaningfully address to consumers altering their personal decisions is so horribly counterproductive it's not surprising to discover it was invented, in large part, by energy companies and other pro-climate apocalypse forces.
Have an idea for a special symposium? The American Society of Naturalists invites you to submit proposals for a symposium at our Asilomar meeting in Pacific Grove, CA (Jan 2025). Proposals due: July 15. See attached call for details! Pls RT.
New NSF proposal guidelines going live, with new section on projects intersecting tribal concerns. Educate yourself on Indigenous Data Sovereignty in data management plans. There are several publications in n this topic.
Chapter II: Proposal Preparation
What's up with my goldenrod this year? They grew fine the past two years and suddenly they are struggling this year, with only the newest growth looking ok. Any ideas? #Botany 🌱 🌏
I need to get a birthday present for an entomologist. Any suggestions? 🧪 🌏 #Entomology
Nothing says "unity and togetherness" better than pulling money from diversity and inclusiveness and giving it to the police.
UNC trustees voted this morning to reallocate the university's $2.3 million DEI budget to campus police. Budget vice chair: “I think that DEI in a lot of people’s minds is divisiveness, exclusion and indoctrination. We need more unity and togetherness, more dialogue, more diversity of thought.”
UNC-Chapel Hill BOT votes to divert DEI funding, redirecting it to campus public The UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees voted to divert millions of diversity, equity and inclusion funding to public safety and campus law enforcement
UNC trustees voted this morning to reallocate the university's $2.3 million DEI budget to campus police. Budget vice chair: “I think that DEI in a lot of people’s minds is divisiveness, exclusion and indoctrination. We need more unity and togetherness, more dialogue, more diversity of thought.”
UNC-Chapel Hill BOT votes to divert DEI funding, redirecting it to campus public The UNC-Chapel Hill Board of Trustees voted to divert millions of diversity, equity and inclusion funding to public safety and campus law enforcement