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“Yes,” said the Indiana Zephyr, “what is the moral of the story?” (He/him; Ohio, USA)
Everyone's going to focus on "The Shining" because everyone's seen "The Shining", but she was incredible in Altman's "3 Women".
I’m sad to hear that Shelley Duvall has died. I was talking to someone only yesterday about how brilliant I think she is. I was spoiled for what photo of her to use because they all have something great in them. RIP
Reposted byAvatar Steve
I'm afraid of the dark without you close to me.
Superchunk When you use the self checkout, you miss the lost futures your friends would spitball about over fries at Denny's at 3 am. As you set the alarm for soccer practice before starting the drive home, you embrace a more recent discovery: sometimes, we can get a second peak
This was not about who I thought it was about.
I remember getting into it with a friend’s father (a recognizable character actor) about American Beauty; I still think he was thrown by Spacey’s (admittedly good!) performance and general Boomerness in a way that made the movie’s crapitude invisible to him.
Reposted byAvatar Steve
Over the weekend, I found a tiny pink plastic shoe on the ground near my office. I placed it at eye level, on a wooden post, by the stairs. This morning, on that same post, was this picture.
This is why "The Laughing Fish" is such a great story—it's a dumb prank that makes a certain kind of looking-glass-logic sense and the Joker is *furious* that nobody will play along. (Am I hallucinating a civil servant trying to explain the copyright/trademark distinction? Maybe in B:TAS?)
Well, and that's how you get corrected by a Bluesky Elver.
Gonna tell the rest of us how the shells work, Dave?
People are gonna be real mad when they don’t get to Mars and see the three-tits mutant.
oh my god now there's a "future of prison" startup that says it will use AI and brain implants to plant fake memories into the brains of criminals, "rehabilitating" them in minutes instead of years and I am going to spend the rest of the day screaming now
Cognify: Revolutionary Prison Concept Uses AI and Brain Implants to Fast-Track Criminal Discover how AI and brain implants are transforming rehabilitation. Read more on Cognify's innovative prison concept now!
It's really strange to consider that Elon Musk is probably only the second most insane person to have ever run Twitter
Reposted byAvatar Steve
Fully prepared to shun this outfit if they show their faces here. SEEN publishing is anti-queer and probably especially anti-trans and they're probably organizing to smother books that aren't cuddled up to the kyriarchy. And anonymous, of course. it said this was my one free article for the month
Publishing network launches for those 'concerned about the impact of gender ideology' A publishing network for those “concerned about the impact of gender ideology on our sector and wider society” launched today for publishing professionals, authors and creatives.
Reposted byAvatar Steve
There's an aside in Mike Royko's "Boss" where a Chicago traffic cop tickets Mayor Daley and the brief excitement around a cop not on the take leads to his becoming a minor celebrity and people wishcasting him in a run for office.
Giving a cop the mugshot treatment because he arrested a rich person who was guilty and acting like that’s totally normal should be a moment that open’s people’s eyes to the jig.
Whereas now, of course, they're treating him like a criminal for having the temerity to ticket a rich famous dude for driving drunk.
Reposted byAvatar Steve
everybody whose vibe is pointier than mine is kiki. everybody with a rounder vibe is bouba. I dont make the rules
Reposted byAvatar Steve
we en dash enthusiasts have to take our pleasures where we can
I found a copy of Ken MacLeod's "The Stone Canal" at the local discount market... maybe in 2010? Admittedly, not the checkout, but that's not even two whole decades ago!
Seconded; that's one of his better non-SF books, to me.
You'd have my vote.
Quote skeet with one of your fav films that isn’t a huge hit let’s get to know each other a bit more 👀 📽️
Quote skeet with one of your fav films that isn’t a huge hit let’s get to know each other a bit more 👀 📽️
Looks like the US title of the book was "No Blade of Grass", though.
"The Death of Grass" was the title of the novel (by John Christopher, of Tripods fame), at least in the UK. (The movie was recently on the Criterion Channel!)
Reposted byAvatar Steve
Kitty Pryde & Magik
It's true dreams of Wichita.
It's sugar-free jazz.
I would probably endorse a compromise vision that held the Second Amendment prevents any limitations on bearing arms but that "arms" only refers to muskets and sabers.
Roberts: wait Bruen says WHAT? Fuck fuck fuck I gotta stop voting on shit when I’m drunk. Okay. You can do this Johnny. You went to Harvard. Let’s parse our way out of this mess. Fuckin’ Thomas, I should have known better.