
Maybe I'm a crank but I'm sorry, this is insane
The further you are from power, the more that consumption choices feel like power. But also? Just mad goofy to think that Dr. Strange helping first responders or Iron Man masking up would do anything for the causes you believe in.
Should the villains wear N95s to saturate the visual good example? Or should they explicitly*not* wear N95s so that readers make the association between not masking & villainy?
Does Wolverine wear a mask just to show the importance of public health guidelines, or does he respect the science?
Dr. Ock was my question: - doesn't already wear a face covering - is a villain (so should largely be shown doing bad things) - but, is also a scientist
Is the Joker an anti-vaxxer or a Covid doomer?
Joker is DC. Get it together man
Joker is hardcore anti-mask mandates. Sure, the masks don't do much to minimize the effects of his Joker Gas, but they do hide the hideous death rictus, which is the whole damn point of the stuff.
Masking *is* respecting the science for most people - M95s reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission rates dramatically - but in Wolverine's case he *can't* catch or transmit it. Other hand, nobody bitches that the Iraq War and the Ukraine invasion aren't in comics. Why this?