
James Timpson as Prisons Minister, an actual KC as AG. First female chancellor. 1st housing sec who's actually lived in social housing. 1st education sec who was on free school meals. Energy sec who actually believes in aggressively fighting climate change. I hate him, but this is already better.
As someone who loathes Starmer overall; the cabinet is better than I’d feared. With the exception of Reeves and Streeting (neither belong in Labour, let alone government) these are some good choices.
Even Streeting has started well; commitment to engage with the doctors to resolve the strike. A change from the Tory approach of just ignoring it and hoping it'll go away.
Every time he comes up though I am reminded of Dawn Foster’s comment.
Indeed. I think what depresses me is that someone as obviously odious as he is, even has a career. However I’ll take the good stuff when it happens.
I think I speak for an awful lot of the trans community when I say Streeting does not inspire confidence in us. Also hey Bee, haven't you since everyone left Twitter 😊 I haven't been here much.
The potential for competence is dizzying. How they deploy it remains to be seen.
Yes, but then you remember Wes Streeting.
I'm hoping he'll do something particularly objectionable and be ousted
He's such a slippery little shit I just can't see it happening, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.
You can't help but feel optimistic.
Unless you're trans. When they walk back all the transphobia I'll start to feel optimistic.
Get everyone you know writing to their MP about it, if they live in a Labour area. Apparently "the constituents are worried about this" is a thing that actually works. Individual letters/emails though, not mass mail versions.
Yes. This! Also, for people in England, I strongly advise looking at and completing a worrying consultation running until 11 July - Perhaps also consider writing to voice concerns about it to Bridget Phillipson MP, the new Secretary of State for Education.
Review of the RSHE statutory We’re seeking your views on changes to the relationships, sex and health education statutory guidance.
Apparently the trick is to write to your MP and ask them to speak to the Secretary of Education (or relevant Cabinet minister, for other concerns). Because then your MP can do the thing you asked, and the minister will pay more attention to MPs saying constituents are worried
Hard agree. 'speak' will usually be forwarding the letter with some bland covering note. Unless the MP agrees with you.