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Amalgam creature of unknown origin.
Fluid/Flux, Θ∆ (Donkey), Autistic, Structural Engineer.
Any Pronouns (He/She/They)
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Sticker Ninja is an excellent alternative for VERY high quality stickers. They’re really awesome and have excellent service, free USPS shipping and are well worth the time & cost.
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since it's nonbinary awareness week and I didn't say a peep during pride month due to ongoing housing chaos: I'm nonbinary, agenderflux. I am not visibly queer, I am struggling a lot to navigate things, but I am here.
Reposted byAvatar Aisling/Luxe
Hi, I'm Gryffoon and I like drawing angels and working in sepia tones. I'm not always sure if it shows through in my work, but I would say I'm heavily influenced by Final Fantasy aesthetics and 80's anime, with maybe a dash of neoclassicism.
Reposted byAvatar Aisling/Luxe
He would rock it tho
My use of Non-binary represents how uncategorizable my gender is. Constant state of change. And HRT and transition havent reduced the feeling of shifting sense of it either. Some folks fluidity is a symptom of untreated dysphoria others like me, its the entire deal. Either case is valid as hell.
Reposted byAvatar Aisling/Luxe
Nonbinary isn't a third gender. It isn't halfway between male/female. It is beyond binary, as rhe name implies. IMO Prince said it best, "I'm not a woman, I'm not a man, I am something you will never understand." You don't have to understand nonbinary to accept it.
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I know the latest NZ election outcome was less than good, but jesus.
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smoked the weed that makes you donkey
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Some of the sketches that were done yesterday on the Fundraising stream <3<3<3 thank y'all who stayed a while! there were more requests than I was able to fulfill so I'll stream again soon.
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#MalaDraw #Furryart I absolutely loved drawing this piece. It was very challenging, but in all the ways that I love to be challenged. Drawing fury is always a treat. Character © StrayWisp Art © Malachyte
Reposted byAvatar Aisling/Luxe
hey do you know hera? then you should follow her and if i know you i'll follow back. simple as.
Avatar I noticed your twitter post on the dissociative experience of dysphoria on twitter a few weeks ago. And then I was looking you up to reference you to folks in a politics server and saw your website. I really need to read through the work you've been doing in this area.
Need to sit down and plan out my cons next year. I definitely want to do AC next year. Only reason I didnt this year is the proximity to my Wales trip and the associated costs and pto. Dunno if I'm doing FE or MFF again. Only other con I have interest in I think may be blfc.
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They should make more heartless that are hot
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a dead giveaway that project 2025 was written specifically for—and with input from—trump:
Was playing ESO today and I subbed for the bag while I'm playing and it gave me enough to buy the pet donkey. It just starts braying on occasion when I'm questing <3
Reposted byAvatar Aisling/Luxe
the tiny hairs pushing through her skin as it takes hold trace the GOOD GIRL i scratched into her chest with my claws
Reposted byAvatar Aisling/Luxe
It's my birthday so go buy my story about a hot trans lady fucking her vampire girlfriend I deserve both the money and the good energy of people getting off to my work
Love Bite by A sapphic story about love, kinky sex, and vampirism
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Hello! I'm Ezekiel (or Zee, or Zeke). I'm an illustrator and designer who loves the spooky, strange, and whimsical. My webcomic (currently on hiatus): I am also @heymonsterboy on Cohost, Tumblr, and, but I'm mostly active here on Bluesky.
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6 days to go on the kickstarter for THE HOWLING HOWFF. We are under £700 away from the 12k stretch goal which includes 8 extra pages and a kickstarter exclusive poster :)
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Thank you for doing this. I'd love to highlight a few things in my shop. I have a very small living space and every time I sell a work from my shop it helps me make room for newer and better works. ❤️
Also I reinstalled ESO and installed FFXIV yesterday. Pray for my soul.
Definitely feeling fomo with so many friends at AC. Its weird, until I started actually attending cons with MFF 2023 Ive never experienced that feeling before.
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Some available flash Email to bøøk StefariArt at gmail
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TF Toon July Cybersix '99 S01E10 Full Moon Fascination A werewolf attacks the city turning people into werewolves, also infecting Lucas with lycanthropy. The new substitute teacher, Elaine, isn't what she appears as she is the head werewolf, controlling Lucas.
TF Toon July Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles '90 S04E20 Were-Rats From Channel 6 Irma & Vernon are captured by the Rat King, who using mutagen, changes the pair into Rat Mutants. The mutagen being unstable makes the two shift back & forth rat to human, triggered by the King's hypnotic flute for evil.