
Really hope everyone is clear that NONE of this is about keeping Jewish students safe
Pretty sure it endangers them.
If you wanted to not confirm paranoid biases, this is not the way.
It's not conspiracy shit to say this actively endangers Jewish students, many if which are in the groups getting attacked by cops
I mean lets be real, if it were the cops wouldn't even be there because when the fuck have the police every actually cared about fighting against anti-semitism.
The Sinangag my dad goes too has had people yelling at people going in and out to the point they have private security. Police never even BOTHERED to just patrol the area. Nothing physical has ever started but it still rattles them when one moron decides to record themselves yelling at a Sinangag.
Hey just FYI we're not supposed to hyphenate antisemitism due to some nazi-precursor linguistic connotations of doing so. Just learned it yesterday, trying to help out when I see it now.
What you just said makes no fucking sense. A Nazi started using a hyphen so now we shouldn't? That's how grammar works, I'm not letting a fucking target take control of the way people use their language.
If I remember and you're interested, I'll look it up for you in more detail in the morning. The issue is that "Semitic" are a group of languages, not a racial or ethnic group. The hyphen implies that they're against people speaking those languages, rather than specifically against Jewish people.
That dilution of meaning is an attempt to parry Nazi bullshit, so Jewish people have asked us to use the correct term. I'm not going to tell them they're wrong to ask that of the rest of us.
Hi, here's a recent post with info. (To further confuse the issue, some Jewish orgs and publications still use the older construction with the hyphen, but yes, there's a desire to shift away from that. If all Jews agreed on a thing we wouldn't be Jews.)
Folks, please watch how you're writing antisemitism. I have been seeing the hyphen creep back in more and more. It seems like a small thing but it has a big meaning:
The Capitol police got into it with some antisemites on January 6. Not why they did it per se but like, respect
They weren't there because of anti-semites attacking Jews.
No but I still would have sent them flowers if they mollywhopped the Camp Auschwitz goon
mollywhopped? Um. Erm. If someone is praising Auschwitz, you introduce them to a .223 Remington faster than they can blink.
Not all of us have a gun handy at all times, friend. Sometimes a brick in a handbag has to be good enough.
Huh. That’s not what I heard from Columbia’s Jewish Student Spokesman
So a non-Jewish student doing hearsay is admissible, but actual Jewish students getting arrested and brutalized for their speech isn’t. Glad the non-Jewish population is deciding who the real ones are.
Well the non-Jewish population of Congress (the Republicans) is doing a lot of the same noble work
Again because you don't seem to understand NONE OF THIS IS ABOUT KEEPING JEWISH STUDENTS SAFE
Yeah I understand. Any Jewish student who is more afraid of some protestors in a tent than they are of the NYPD is dumber than a sack of snacks. Being wary of gentiles as a rule I get, but in America it’s the white Christians you really have to watch out for. Not that all cops are white Christians
Pretty sure this was sarcasm, calling this non-Jewish student the spokesperson.
It was at the time. Now I kind of want Jimmy fielding questions on my behalf, because lol. I put some (read: too much) thought into this and I wondered, if you’re an NYT reporter at Columbia and you think the fear level of JTS students is worth reporting, how long would it take to talk with one?
The Jews in the protest clearly don’t feel afraid of the other protestors
This is classic waah waah fake tears “minority I hate (& their supporters) makes me feel unsafe” sociopathy
Yes, that's what was being pointed out.
Yeah I thought they were supporting this at first
It’s my evidence that the NYT are a bunch of big dumb dummies. Young Jimmy may be a swell fella but there is absolutely no reason to quote the lad. Or shit they could have asked him his opinion about the killings in Gaza, it’s not like Christians don’t have strong feelings on the issue.
FUCK A ton of the protestors ARE Jewish students.
It's about eliminating dissent and holding back the inevitable changes in the power structure (and its policies) that are coming to this country.
It isn't about keeping any person safe.
Of course not. It’s about graduation. The university isn’t going to let anything get in the way of that.
it's going to be very awkward for them after all this that they actually have to invite students to graduation
The police work for the 1%.
An unholy union of slavecatchers and strikebreakers.
I'm clear about this. But I think we have to not close our eyes to the fact that it's going to be repeated and repeated over and over again by people in power, "Jews wanted this crackdown," "Jews needed to get your cousin beat up and expelled," "Jews love and need violent police responses"
I'd love to find someone who genuinely, truly thinks that.
I don't know if they really think it, but the local news certainly reports on it as if the protests were anti-Jewish and nothing else.
You can find them on Twitter
I think it's more about keeping college administrators safe (and paid).
It never was about making them safe. The NAZI's are just throughing out buzwords to make FOX "News" and Newsmax happy.
Exactly & all students, staff should feel safe. What madness! Even Israeli ppl aren’t happy w/ the corrupt sicko Bibi government. It’s un-American to deny peaceful protest.