Spacecat Writes

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Spacecat Writes

Queer, neurodivergent chaos muppet, absolutely not a clowder of anxiety cats in a trench coat
I wish my brain would let me read things again because I really want to read these again
A DEATH AT THE DIONYSUS CLUB by Melissa Scott and Amy Griswold made the Mystery and Speculative Fiction sections of Lambda Literary’s Most Anticipated December titles! 💖
It's incredible how accurately Shel Silverstein predicted AI decades ago
What level of disposable income is “getting rid of functional linens because Big Capitalism say they have a best before date”
Today I learned that carbon footprints were invented by BP and pushed in a mega marketing campaign to shift the conversation from corporations to individuals and I hate everyone. Except NPR, thanks for the reporting.
I don’t want to call this a weapons-grade bad take but I expect better from actual academics. Like. The whole problem with what James Somerton did was *taking the voices of people he should have been uplifting*
An Academic’s Half-Hearted Non-Defense of James Its not drama, its discourse. Oh, and I guess its also drama. But, how does a forgotten academic respond to this event? How might my perspective be slightl...
Just posted the first chapter of the second volume of my Character Bleed fic, The Redemption of the Dread Pirate Tourmaline!
New Session | Archive of Our Own An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
Some actually good news.
Scholastic Book Fairs is ending their segregated book program. We made ourselves heard.
Aric and Em need to deal with ghosts but swords won’t work. Em’s magic draws unwanted attention. And this job makes Aric consider his past, his future, and settling down with Em, someday ... if Em agrees. Fantasy #gayromance by K.L. Noone now available from JMS Books!
Hey do you like steampunk pirates? Because I just finished the first volume of my steampunk pirate fic and it’s on ao3 for literally anyone to read! Volume two starts later this week!
The Adventures of the Dread Pirate Tourmaline - Chapter 1 - Pashte - Character Bleed (K.L. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
"In the Pass of Ghosts" comes out tomorrow ! The next #swordandsorcery #romance adventure for Aric and his genderfluid fairy partner Emrys! ~a friend from Aric's past! ~a cozy inn + a lot of snow! ~the aforementioned ghosts... #lgbtq #fantasy
I'm salty; whenever we get into conversations about morality re: shit choices made TO survive in a system rigged to keep poor people poor, the responsibility of picking unsavory things under Capitalism is heaped ONTO the poor versus burning the government to the ground for creating the situation.
Plus: those inspirations? The books and art and poetry we gather that inspiration from? We paid for that. We buy those books, we support those creators on Patreon, we hang their art on our walls. We don’t steal it.
Just another techbro epically missing the point of what separates large language models from people *actually* studying and developing their own voices
Just another techbro epically missing the point of what separates large language models from people *actually* studying and developing their own voices
Broke 70k words on the current manuscript, finally getting to write a key scene is always so satisfying but why are aerial battles so hard to plot! My brain is tired!
This is about where I am this week, on the Inspirational Quote front.
So it became extremely apparent that I was not going to get anything done at home today so I came all the way into town to the library and some asshole is having a very loud Skype or Zoom convo so that’s nice
Reading this and thinking how far we’ve come since then. I was incredibly nervous to post my first fanfic so it was a huge boost when the author whose work I was ficcing said so many wonderful things about it, even gave it a little shout out in one of her end of book notes.
sometimes there are true things about reality which are just so utterly absurd that they sound like a farce. for instance: the widespread belief that authors reading fanfiction creates legal liability was made up by a child molester to dodge her responsibility for labor exploitation. it worked.
Found a caterpillar friend on another milkweed, he was almost three inches long, so quite a large one. I think this is a monarch caterpillar too! Very exciting!
Got home from work and didn’t feel like I needed to immediately lie down so took Ben Ben for a walk! Checking on the plants I’m tracking, here’s a magnificent specimen of Zizotes Milkweed in full flower
It's the Anti-Prime Day #sale - 50% off all ebooks today & tomorrow! Time to grab something new or something you've been wanting- maybe something of mine? (pre-orders included! "In the Pass of Ghosts" is out the 21st!) My JMS author page:
It’s also Ada Lovelace Day, an international day for blogging about #womenInSTEM ! So I’ve made a longer post about Hildegard von Bingen, botany, natural history and medicine here: 🐡🧪 #histsci #ALD23 #AdaLovelaceDay
This is my linocut of Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179), surrounded by plants & a mineral she touted as medical treatments, her invented alphabet & model of the universe. 🐡🧪🧑🏻‍🔬 #histsci Her writings preserve her own knowledge & theories + the nature of institutional medicine & folk healing of her day 🧵
Hildegard von Bingen, Medival Medicine and Natural History for Ada Lovelace Hildegard von Bingen, linocut, 11" x 14" by Ele Willoughby, 2023   Ada, Countess Lovelace , 3rd edition linocut by Ele Willoughby It is on...
It took me an ungodly amount of time and my back is literally trying to murder me but I have catalogued all 206 books in my folklore and fairy tale library! I have a SPREADSHEET
I just want to attend a fancy ball in a ridiculous gown and eat canapés.
Going to the library to fill out employment applications please cross your fingers for me