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I like rockets, people with empathy, and science/exploration in general.
We're not talking about blind adoration, we're talking about defeating fascism. See France's election today. You either unite against fascism or you get fascism. It's that simple, and the only way forward is to unite behind Biden since we already had a primary.
I think ultimately what makes you a conservative is privilege and the need to protect your privilege. Boomers had everything, but because the world changed in ways they don't like they've done their best to burn it all down. Leaving a world worse than they found it.
I know it's popular to hate SpaceX because Elon Musk is a wanker but SpaceX is the most capable space company in the world & it's not even close. There have been 76 launches this year from the US, SpaceX did 66 of those.
Being against no fault divorce laws = you want women not to have any agency. You want them to die of MORE violence by their partners/feel like suicide is the only way out/etc.
My pet peeve is that I think facts should matter, and a lot of people are more interested in a narrative rather than what the truth is based on facts. The narrative pushed in the headline of both is that both these vehicles are deathtraps (which is simply not the case when you examine the facts).
Not really, people forget that there is a fact based part of the Fox News organization. The editorial nonsense may get all the attention but this was November 3rd, 2020.
I guess you didn't pay attention to the primary in Michigan. Trump lost more people to a lady who dropped out than Biden did to uncommitted but OK & these are the most ACTIVE voters in the US. Not general election voters who don't pay attention until July at best.
The Republican party remains the biggest threat to the United States of America. Not only is the head of the Republican party a convicted felon who appeases tyrants like Putin & Kim Jong Un but you cannot deter a war between China & the US by capitulating to Russia.
"If wishes were horses, beggars would ride." The reality is that a lot of people in states like Florida think Biden is an actual socialist & that led to people in Miami-dade voting for a guy who wants them to drown in 2022. Which is working out great as you can see.
Criticism is fine, and welcome. Joe Biden supports your right to vote him out of office, he supports your right to protest vote, but implying Trump & Biden are equally bad/or implying that Biden should lose when the other guy is openly in favor of destroying the Republic is something else.
What Republicans say these days.
Anyone voting for Trump in 2024, doesn't give a shit about our veterans, or our troops, or the sacrifices our troops made in WWI & WWII.
I really hope you are being paid by Russia to say such nonsense. Otherwise you'd just wasting your time being a Putin bootlicker. Russia has been very clear. They want more than just Ukraine, they want Poland and the Baltic States (NATO nations). Which = Russia using a tactical nuclear weapon.
Being mad at Biden is fine, but enabling a guy who wants to kill anyone he wants, including unarmed protestors and anyone who leaks anything to the press & is laying the ground work to do so is insane. Especially when Biden is going to be dead in 10-15 years tops. You won't be punishing him
Biden will be dead in 15-20 years most likely (if not sooner), what sort of America do you want to live in in 15-20 years? Trump is laying the groundwork so he'll never be held accountable ever, and so next time when he asks to shoot unarmed protestors (or anyone else) they'll say only "yes sir."
Bold of you to consider the guy who wants to shoot anyone who makes him look weak. Last time he had people who told him no, this time he's laying the groundwork with project 2025 so nobody will tell him no or hold him accountable ever again.
1: Trump has been pretty clear on doing war crimes in the middle east. Whatever you think of Biden, he has at least been holding back Israel. 2: Trump has been pretty clear he wants to be a dictator & next time he won't have anyone who says no when he asks if he can shoot you for protesting.
The other guy wants to shoot you for protesting & next time won't have anyone to tell him no, but OK.
I agree, it's the reasons climate change is the most important issue IMO because it will impact billions of people if we do nothing. Everything else while important in it's own way, is small potatos (not to mention climate change makes EVERYTHING ELSE worse).
I'm not saying you can't do that, that's fine. That many on the left would be happy to see Trump become President again to teach Joe Biden a lesson is insane though. Joe Biden won't be the one to suffer, billions of people will suffer so you can teach Joe Biden a lesson.
It's a two party system, & the opposition is openly fascist. There are also more important things like climate change, abortion rights, & LGBT+ people but I guess you don't care about the people impacted by those issues. Since you're willing to sacrifice them all to teach Joe Biden a lesson
Then there is the fact that the other guy wants to make sure people don't keep him in check next time (Google Project 2025). So then he can just kill anyone who makes him weak, while Biden will defend your right to peacefully protest. Though, I guess you can't tell the difference between the two.
Incumbency is important, because incumbents tend to win. So yes, we couldn't possibly do any better than him this election. Not to mention the other fucking guy wants to make sure next time his worst impulses like shooting unarmed protestors go unchecked.