Adam Fields

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Adam Fields

Chief Engineer for Scaling & Infrastructure Follow me for posts about tolerance and kindness, pithy and sometimes insightful tech commentary, blistering puns, and a lot of reposts of interesting things I find.
It has come to my attention that some of you are not aware of how to tell cilantro and parsley apart at the grocery store. There’s a simple rule of thumb to help with this - look at the ends of the leaves. Cilantro curvy, parsley pointy.
As a general rule for NYC, don’t stand on lines. There likely are 20 other things just as good nearby that just haven’t appeared on everyone’s “best of X” list.
Your yearly reminder that Nazis celebrate 4/20 as Hilter’s birthday, and we should move the pot holiday to 4/30.
Hey, man - if you’re going to price a dozen bagels at $21 and only take cash, don’t give me a look when I have no singles and I hand you two twenties. You brought that on yourself.
I finally got around to finding a good domain to use as a home index for all of my media criticism / punch-up writings:
My Writings About Media Commentary and Punch-up by Adam Fields
Both participants eat an entire deep dish pizza, and then fight. Does this sport exist?
lol no one wants the white chocolate
FFS will someone please close all these loopholes
Reposted byAvatar Adam Fields
The problem is "stop using unsupported devices" means tossing out perfectly usable devices after only a few short years of use that has other environmental effects. The real push should be forcing manufacturers to do security updates for longer.
Apple gave us the first widespread consumer computing platform almost entirely free of malware, and governments are going to break it in the name of “freedom”. Brilliant work, folks.
Reposted byAvatar Adam Fields
Books designed to be read only by human eyes are different from books designed to be read by machines, which is why Google will tell you that the phrase “shake my booty” can be found in an 1863 English translation of Don Quixote.
Reposted byAvatar Adam Fields
Internet is ready for “every guy secretly thinks he could beat up a medieval peasant one on one” discourse
Reposted byAvatar Adam Fields
if you tried to explain the modern for-profit healthcare/medical insurance system to a medieval peasant they would beat the shit out of you
I'm very excited for Prime Video's new series S3 Body Problem.
Reposted byAvatar Adam Fields
“The order gives individuals a year’s supply of three types of birth control: pills, vaginal rings and patches. It also applies to people who travel to New York from other states.”
Birth control now available in New York without A law signed last year has finally cleared the necessary regulatory review.
Reposted byAvatar Adam Fields
Four years ago around this time I was putting on disposable kitchen gloves to ride a citibike over a bridge to get to my girlfriend’s house because we didn’t know if it was a contact virus and riding by box trucks that I later learned were filled with dead bodies. So I’m gonna go with yes.
Need more Invincible sooner
Avatar I get that it’s just a throwaway joke, but it’s not cool that you dropped a major twist spoiler for Fight Club in your Arrival episode. I was going to share that episode with my teenage son who loves Arrival, but he hasn’t seen Fight Club yet.
Nothing thus far has changed my original estimation from Part 1 that Denis Villeneuve's version is an absolutely amazing portrayal of someone _dreaming about Dune_.
Are there private equity success stories? Because the only thing I’ve ever heard is “oh, this company was doing fine for decades or sometimes centuries and suddenly closed for mysterious reasons, why yes they did sell to private equity a few years ago why do you ask”.
“Troubleshoot” is a fun word to type on a swipe keyboard.
Reposted byAvatar Adam Fields
I like to name my phones after unique fun fantasy weapons, and man have I hit an untapped goldmine with Vampire Survivors.
Autocorrect, I never never NEVER want to put a semicolon in the middle of a word, even though it’s temptingly right there next to the apostrophe key.
You can argue about whether it’s better to duel with swords or guns. With swords, you’re more likely to get cut, but with guns you have to step away and then turn and fire. I don’t know if we’ll ever resolve this age old debate of stabs vs paces.
Lawsuit claims Volcano Vista teacher brought out swords, instructed students to ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) – It’s a decision that has parents wondering, ‘What was she thinking?’ after a lawsuit claims a teacher brought swords to school to have students fig…