
i wonder if you plot male height against male attitude towards trans women you get anything interesting
honestly not sure but hypothesizing that you could see a bulge in anti-trans sentiment among men who are 1) taller than most women but 2) not taller than most trans women
i'm a gentleman's 5'11" which means I'm pretty close to median male height but taller than >99% of cis women. my hypothesis here, i guess, is that if you are accustomed to being taller than women it is more disconcerting to encounter women who are taller than you
so maybe you have ~3 buckets of men: 1) short kings who are used to a significant number of women being taller 2) midheight who are taller than most women but shorter than a good chunk of trans women 3) tall men who are still taller than most trans women
I'm 6'6" and on the rare occasions when I encounter a woman, trans or cis, who is taller than me I tend to default to a state of awe and worship