
i wonder if you plot male height against male attitude towards trans women you get anything interesting
honestly not sure but hypothesizing that you could see a bulge in anti-trans sentiment among men who are 1) taller than most women but 2) not taller than most trans women
i'm a gentleman's 5'11" which means I'm pretty close to median male height but taller than >99% of cis women. my hypothesis here, i guess, is that if you are accustomed to being taller than women it is more disconcerting to encounter women who are taller than you
so maybe you have ~3 buckets of men: 1) short kings who are used to a significant number of women being taller 2) midheight who are taller than most women but shorter than a good chunk of trans women 3) tall men who are still taller than most trans women
this obviously isn't destiny, just kinda curious if there's an observable effect
i guess i'm also assuming that trans women heights are ~normally distributed cis male heights and that might be wrong for lots of reasons
Don't know if I could prove it, but this is a good working assumption from experience I feel like the sexism/homophobia complex matters more here, but I would not blink if this experiment found something on the margins
A Google search to see if anyone has tested if height correlates with sexism got a bunch of complaining women won't date short fuss, which feels like it validates both of us
I'd assume this would be true without intervention, but that trans women would tend towards intermediate heights if they got on hormone therapy before puberty
Distribution bias could be a factor too. If they're not passing as well as they might like you're more likely to mentally note a transwoman as such, rather than a plain old ordinary woman, and a significant contributor to that can be "Hey, she's tall."
I mean, would you extend this to other secondary sex linked traits? Guys with high voices or that don't grow a lot of body hair or a small Adams Apple or whatever? Anyway I feel this's an unlikely line of research but maybe a way to insult transphobes about their gender expression... Not great
Anyway I didn't mean that last bit to be implied as any kind of personal criticism, just wanted to explain I don't really feel comfortable with the idea
fair nuff, i'm not trying to make anybody feel bad about their bodies, just bullshitting some social science-y stuff
not really because those are not immediately ordinally comparable to the body I live in. like i could probably tell you with high accuracy and minimum thought which of my friends are taller than I am and which are shorter but i definitely could not tell you who's hairier or higher-pitched
Eh as a guy who grew up with a pretty boy face and a higher pitched voice, I can say some people do notice. For instance, the randos who cursed me out or tried to start fights because they thought I was gay noticed... Gave me a lot of sympathy for LGBT, did not make me insecure about my gender ID
This meme essentially. As a fellow “5’11” and change to start the day and lose a quarter inch or so over the day” person the 5’7”-5’9” crowd always struck me as having better representation among the Most Toxic (with another spike at like 6’2” which is tall but not tall enough to be Tall Tall)
The fix is to breed conservative men with Dutch women and the broken brains will cause a Rumplestiltskin reaction.
I'm 6'6" and on the rare occasions when I encounter a woman, trans or cis, who is taller than me I tend to default to a state of awe and worship
I don't understand why people worry about height. I did when I was like 11 because I was short and then just stopped giving a fuck because it absolutely never impacted anything that has ever happened in my life.
I think there are things where it can make a difference - short guys are not equally represented in leadership positions, for instance, and if surveys are accurate and opinions remain unchanged a majority of women wouldn't consider dating a guy shorter than them.
But also none of that's destiny and are, in the great big world of unfair things, pretty minor.
I guess but like I said it's never affected me because 1) I have never sought a leadership position and 2) despite being a hard-core nerd back when you could still be bullied for playing D&D I never had a problem with dating or casual hookups
I think because of general height discrepancies across genders you'd have to be pretty short as a guy before it significantly cut off relationship opportunities assuming accurate preference statement (at 5'7" on a good back day and I'm still taller than most women).
huh. maybe? i wouldn’t know, i encounter women taller than me all the time at 5’5”, i always have
I'm 6'3" and I *have* encountered women taller than me. I tend to remember because it's vanishingly rare, I can count them on one hand. Couldn't tell you if any were trans, don't care.
As a 6' (maybe 6'1") woman, I agree with you. So many men I dated (or chatted with on dating apps) were weirded out by my being about as tall as they were (or taller!).
By "disconcerting" you mean "hot," right?
I think your on to something. I have a theory that "weird new food smells" is the cause of certain amount of strife when a new immigrant groups starts showing up to a neighborhood. I don't understand the exact mechanism but general unspecified discomfort does feel like a spot for bigotry to root.
I just wonder what a "gentleman's 5'11" consists of But I do think you're right largely
Whereas a Harvard 5'11" is just under 5'9"
I'm just over 5'9" and was wondering if I could claim it
Once when I got pulled over the cop was looking at my license and asked me my height and weight and I was like "I dunno 5'11 and 210" and he started to grill me and I was like "Dude I've had my license renewed at least 6 times in 4 different states and they all just copied what I put own at age 16"
This would require that many men who hate trans women are basing it off of some face-to-face interaction with actual trans women, which I do not believe to be the case
yeah outside of developing countries i doubt that height correlations with urban living, which in turn correlates with exposure to queer people