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skin bandits dni
you realize this all started because he harassed an arab trans woman and his followers called her an "it", right? are arab women white women to you?
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
Why are you blocking black people who are suggesting you are wrong, if your concern is racist abuse?
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
A memorable thing about Emily Gorcenski was my experience of her on mastodon telling people to stop using the phrase "genocide" for anything happening in the US because it's getting in the way of real genocides, "like Ukraine."
It was so cool how she spent last week being like “it’s totally fine that I’m making a list of communists, and all the accusations that I worked for the military-industrial complex are tankie lies.”
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
Emily Gorcenski talks like an incel
i'm sure this won't have any negative consequences at all
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
emily gorcenski asking the real questions such as who was the real abuser: the fed who non-consensually choked people, or the people who were rude when they brought it to people's attention
so is emily gorcenski just going to pretend she didnt also harass j bouie a few days ago and throw a bunch of trans women under the bus to hide that?
this all started because bouie lead a harassment mob against an arab trans woman, but i'm certain emily is talking about a completely unrelated vibes based sort of racism she feels trans women of color are just predisposed to
like, not all trans women are white, and assuming every trans woman is white is just such a gross and weird form of racism she needs to fucking unpack before butting in to defend upper class cis men
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
Here's some Niku Udon I made a while ago ^.^ 🍜
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
I need ppl to remember trans defense contractors are defense contractors before they're trans
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
man I've been out for seven years now and almost every year so far I've had a trans friend kill themselves. more of them who either by choice or force were sent to mental hospitals. and the climate of hopelessness created by the Times is what makes this possible. I'm really tired.
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
I really don't think cis people need to weigh in about jbouie right now. half the posts I've seen are unintentionally wildly transphobic, and the rest can't contend with trans pain. sit this one out, and delete what you've already posted.
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
do you understand that every single one of us has to bury this under our concious process just to make it through a day
i dont like to dwell on this because it depresses myself and my loved ones. but you realise theyre literally right now coming for us right. my friend lost her medication just yesterday. its a pincer with trump on one side and the nyt on the other. we are calling it how we see it. help please. please
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
Just checking in on your employer today. bsky.app/profile/miti...
The main answer to that question is, surprisingly, because it does
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
Not femme nor butch but simply a specter
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
girls only want one thing and it's to murder
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
small brain: I hate God large brain: I hate the antichrist glowing brain: I hate the demiurge galaxy brain: I am the demiurge
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
"believe women" unless they're white or trans or women
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
Call me rfkjr the way I got brainworms for u
@ddyngel.bsky.social check this shit out just one sec lemme DM u
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
A woman? Who's funny?!?!?!?!?!?!
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
Ideal position in the revolution? Idk prolly missionary
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
we are literally speedrunning the soviet collapse
everyone talks big shit about gerontocracy but brezhnev was younger than both trump and biden
arguably incel culture was the common culture this whole time and anti misogyny was the counter culture
Reposted byAvatar Spooky
Bunch a' freakin' dinosaurs. Two little snowy egrets and the rest are great egrets.