
I do find it's interesting how little the Black base of the democratic party is considered in the elite discussion of Biden dropping
the implicit (and sometimes explicit) assumption that black voters will simply fall in line behind what white op ed columnists and a few white anonymous party insiders tell them to do is really, really fucking gross, man, and i am seeing it everywhere
How did that work out in 2016?
I mean, i dont think the problem with Clinton was lack of black voters
Lack of college voters in the absolutely worst spots.
i do think the campaign also had misteps ie michigan and clinton adopted a sorta focus grouped public persona but you can just as easily blame it on wikileaks but as i keep saying a campaigns failure to persuade and peoples failure to be persuaded are separate things
i still remember cnn trying to get a gotcha moment from this old black lady and her just being idc about any of that nonsense when asked about podestas emails
The hrc post mortem strongly concluded that the canvassers and vote wranglers didn’t try as hard after the polls looked insanely pro Hillary.