Steph Cherrywell

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Steph Cherrywell

They/them. Author, librarian, text game creator. UNBOXING LIBBY (middle grade SF) coming winter 2025! Represented by See my projects at
The Bear but it’s about a huge bear on top of someone’s head helping him cook
The Deep Dark by Molly Ostertag Knox (YA graphic novel.) Amazing, beautiful story about queer girls and the desert and monsters in the basement. Read this right now!!
These are beautiful!
This summer I will be supporting the Mongolian Olympic team because this is their uniform and it is a thousand times better than anything Nike has ever made.
You know what movie ISN'T "not good, but fun?" The Time Machine (2002). Just a dismal, incoherent waste of SUCH a good premise, crammed with cliches, from fridging the love interest to the white guy showing up to single-handedly save the helpless tribe.
Oh, I would read the HECK out of this book if it existed. I love the balance of goofy to creepy on these zombies.
Happy #kidlitartpostcard day! I'm Leanna from the USA and I love to paint fun and exciting middle grade book covers 🙂 📭 [email protected] 🎨 #kidlit #kidlitart #MG
I unironically love the Minions movie. Not any of the Despicable Mes, just Minions. It's so pure and sincere in its utter stupidity that it turns it into a positive. It's not "good," but it's fun.
Wow, there's some great-looking stuff here. No Rules Tonight, new books from and Jen Wang, and "I Heart Skullcrusher", which I don't know anything about but it looks fun as heck in a Lollipop Chainsaw kind of way.
Publishers Weekly says No Rules Tonight is one of the top ten YA comics of the fall!
Just finished: Infinity Gate by the always amazing M. R. Carey. A scientist discovers the multiverse just in time to stumble into a war between two colossal multi-world empires. If you like the big-picture worldbuilding of Rick and Morty but are turned off by the tone/characters, give this a shot.
The Horrible Bag of Terrible Things, by Rob Renzetti. Siblings are trapped inside a creepy bag-world. There's a haunted-house-ride feel to this one, with non-stop action and a parade of gross-out monsters; I could imagine it as a Laika project. #kidlit #middlegrade
I KINDA get what drag is doing - highlighting through excess how many things considered fundamental to "woman" are performance - but I've never related to it except as a foil. I don't have the ability, or even the desire, to perform femininity; it's already all I can do to perform humanity.
Ru Paul's Drag Race and its consequences have been a net negative for the general public perception of trans women
What's the best episode of television you've ever watched?
What's the best episode of television you've ever watched?
On this day in 1904, 120 years ago, The Marvelous Land of Oz was published, and gave us Princess Ozma, a hero to trans girls who strive to escape the boy curse to this very day.
Oh wow, this looks AMAZING. This book is so good (beautiful art, fun characters, really well-thought-out and fun magic system) and this show looks gorgeous!
FUCK. YES. I’m so delighted this incredible book is getting the adaptation it deserves
I just finished this novella (Unexploded Remnants by about a space archaeologist who finds an ancient superweapon and it was so much fun! The worldbuilding reminded me a lot of Becky Chambers. I'd love to real a big doorstop set in this universe.
Definitely following up on this one
I'd never heard of it this and it's a fascinating explainer for way some programs just start giving you the business in ways it doesn't seem like they should. Also, it makes me happy I write middle grade. Schlemiel can still make it to the end of that.
If you're curious what a Shlemiel the Painter algorithm is, I learned the term from this Joel Spolsky post lo these two score and three years past. Basically it means any algorithm that clearly should be O(n) but in practice is inexplicably O(N^2).
Back to We spend a lot of time on this site talking about exciting Big Picture Stuff like .NET versus Java, XML strategy, Lock-In, competitive strategy, software design, architecture, and so forth. All thi…
Over the weekend, I found a tiny pink plastic shoe on the ground near my office. I placed it at eye level, on a wooden post, by the stairs. This morning, on that same post, was this picture.
Neat! Like all Webtoons stuff, the way this is formatted online in one long scroll of vertical panels makes it a challenge for me in its current form, but I've loved this artistic team ever since Gingerbread Girl, so I'll be keeping an eye out for a print version.
It remains super weird to me that "the New-York-Times-bestselling graphic novel series that begins with a man and his dog being mortally wounded and combining into one person to survive" describes two different things.
I wonder if my "haven't seen a Cybertruck yet" streak is going to survive the RNC coming here in July.
The other neat thing about cat comics is how cross-cultural they are. Like, you don't really need any special knowledge to understand Chii's Sweet Home or Junji Ito's Cat Diary because cats are always themselves no matter where they live.
Only three days until WOE comes out, and I join the ranks of published cat cartoonists of yore. Nicole’s cartoons are amazing, please check out her books!
I guess I shouldn't have been keeping the hydricortisone tube in the same drawer as the toothpaste, but at least my teeth won't be itchy tonight.
Diverse BookFinder (focusing on BIPOC characters) refers to those as "any child" books; the idea being that books about celebration or facing oppression are important, but so are books where identity isn't central, because as a whole person there's stuff in your life that's not about that.
#QueerPrompts Today I’m shouting out some of my favorite queer board & picture books. Some of them, like Princess Puffybottom & Baby’s First Words aren’t *about* queerness—the LGBTQ rep is incidental. But I’m 100% here for it, bc LGBTQ families deserve to see themselves in silly, fluffy stories too.
#QueerPrompts Some of my favorite queer middle grade novels. Check out these amazing titles! Give them (or make them available) to the 8-14 yos in your life. Read them yourself to heal your inner child & feel better about the world. 😄
Science fiction readers are highly educated will find any factual errors right away. For instance, if you set your novel in a far away galaxy but the aliens still refer to "computers" when there's no way they could have ever heard of famous scientist Dr. Robert Computer or his fantastic invention.
While anti-heros and morally gray narrators have had their day, modern readers want characters whose morals & values align with their own, so editors recommend including one scene where all of the characters address the reader directly & tell them that they would never commit adultery.
"Kill your darlings" only applies if you're holding onto something that actually hurts your story. But jerks sometimes use "kill your darlings" as a weapon to try to break you. Don't wantonly kill what you love the most about your story. That's why you're writing it. Make it work.
if u see this, quote-post with your tips for writers that no one gives anymore because they seem obvious (even though they're not)