Stephanie King

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Stephanie King

Former Philadelphian living in Montréal
My son's class (4th grade) did one that was a lil photocopied zine and they all signed it & it was so cute bc they didn't really know what to say
BREAKING: if the centrists work with the left instead of spending all their time fighting them and surrendering-in-advance to the right wing, WE CAN ALL WIN cc: @TheDemocrats
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
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When the France election results are good
Just received the worst mansplaining of my LIFE. Remind me never to fall for it again when a man asks for advice.
I interacted with Samsonite Canada's customer service recently and received very good service BUT I think they might want to re-word this question on their followup survey?
Finally makes all those instances of my least favorite game, "Allergies or Covid," seem worth it
My son, .02 seconds after waking up: You know what I like about the new house? My toys don't move across the room while I'm sleeping Me:
Aside from the, ya know, racism of this headline... she's LITERALLY THE VICE PRESIDENT????? And before that she was a senator? Like what other job prepares you to be president? Do they think it's "DEI" when the asst manager of the Applebee's gets promoted to manager?
Subtle. Very subtle.
"They Live" but it's a set of headphones that makes racists hear how stupid they sound
I am reading this scholarly study about internet collaboration from 1997 and it's so hilarious. It basically sounds like "I scratched a message to my classmates on a stone tablet and had my wooly mammoth take it over to their house"
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
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No word game is worth paying a guy who is actively trying to help usher in a dictatorship. Cancel that NYT subscription today.
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I saw a kid on the metro wearing an Eagles hat and without even thinking I said "Go Birds" He seemed confused? Like? Why is he wearing the hat then?
Independence Day feels kinda dumb now that America has made the president a king
Reposted byAvatar Stephanie King
What can my neighbor POSSIBLY be sanding? This is the second straight day he's been at it ALL DAY. Is he making artisanal sawdust?
Look, I know the world is falling apart, but I just made THE MOST PERFECT SALMON EVER for lunch (ps I don't care for the skin so my kitty ALSO had the Best Lunch Ever)
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“Be careful, when a democracy is sick, fascism comes to its bedside, but it is not to inquire about its health." — Albert Camus
Vacuuming behind the sofa and found this post-it. Have absolutely NO memory of what kind of deranged pro/con list I was about to make
This happened bc Republicans never EVER took their eye off the ball and voted in lockstep until they captured the Supreme Court, while Democrats let the perfect be the enemy of the good and worried more about fighting the Left than the Right America had a good run, I guess
Good morning and Happy Canada Day from my house where my 10yo has been up and COMPLETELY ON since 6:50 a.m.
I never shine so much as a parent as when one of the kids says, "We're out of [something]," and I say, "Look in the [place where I already bought another one]" SUPPLY LOGISTICS FOR THE WIN
I still follow them though just in case they ever come back 🥺
That whole "majoring in French literature" thing really COMING THROUGH
Didn't watch the debate but it sounds like the real winner is... me, for moving to Canada last year
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The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green.
Top 10 TV Top of my head, no thinking The Wire Twin Peaks (1st season) The Expanse The Good Place Zone Blanche (English name is something else?) Dark Fargo Six Feet Under What We Do in the Shadows The Sopranos
Top 10 TV Top of my head, no thinking Star Trek: The Next Generation The Carol Burnett Show Doctor Who Frasier Batman: The Animated Series Transformers The X-Files Farscape Better Call Saul Twin Peaks
Threw a ball with my son yesterday and he requested some "sports music." You bet your ass I played the Rocky theme.