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Artisanal organic translations
Mostly amateur opinions
"Unmarried cat lady" really just means "not burdened by men who think it's her job to care for them", uh.
Reposted byAvatar StrangestMoon
I'm trying to apply to a localization job in one of those automated platforms. The list of fields of study doesn't include languages or translation....
Reposted byAvatar StrangestMoon
The plans have arrived for my new house... #writing
Reposted byAvatar StrangestMoon
Apropos of *gestures around at everything* Today is the day that Parable of the Sower begins.
Love to receive a translation review request for an "easy" text that then turns out to be in the wrong variant...
Just realised 90% of what I'm feeling must be Birthday Month Drama.
The self-checkout machine at the mini mart just wished me a happy birthday month. I've never felt older
One student didn't pay and just ghosted me. I wish I had a person to deal with ghostings, late payments and all that, I hate it so much
Reposted byAvatar StrangestMoon
starting a gameshow called "Get Your Boomer Parents to Admit They Did Something Wrong"
Reposted byAvatar StrangestMoon
I have decided the most constructive thing I can do today on social media is share a hedgehog photo.
George is so full of wrong opinions, it's kind of amazing.
"Gandalf should have stayed dead" was easily one of GRRM's worst writing opinions not just because it's wrong but because of /why/ it's wrong - it shows the man does not believe you can do any plot twist that isn't someone getting killed unexpectedly
Reposted byAvatar StrangestMoon
not sure whats funnier -the glasgow worldcon organisers straight up ghosting grrm or that angry piece on winteriscoming where the writer rages how the greatest fantasy writer alive is being disrespected & the comments are all just "great writers finish their books where is it?"
Reposted byAvatar StrangestMoon
Hiya, #portfolioday 🌟 I love doggos and art.
Sitting in the dark with earphones on, waiting for the ibuprofen to kick in...
Reposted byAvatar StrangestMoon
Today I stand in the presence of immortality #ea-nasir
Reposted byAvatar StrangestMoon
I planned a lesson around Jenny Joseph's Warning and my student was all in, even wanted to practice declaiming the poem 🥺
Reposted byAvatar StrangestMoon
This from a medieval historian deserves an OBE.
Reposted byAvatar StrangestMoon
A bit of promo as reaching readers becomes increasingly difficult. My current contemporary fantasy series is inspired by British myth and folklore. Dan Mackmain is mostly human, but he is a dryad's son, so the Green Man sends him to solve problems when the mundane and the uncanny collide. #booksky
Months of therapy and I didn't learn a single coping skill for simple things like "too anxious to sleep", nevermind more serious stuff... Sigh
I was good and did my business spreadsheet today. And I didn't even cry at the numbers! Please clap.
Reposted byAvatar StrangestMoon
Reposted byAvatar StrangestMoon
Reposted byAvatar StrangestMoon
b/c someone asked for this and I don't have time to write a pamphlet: How to promote on social media without sounding like you're being held hostage: 1. Link your books with joyfulness "Hey! I have a new release!" vs "I guess I should link my books not that it matters."
Reposted byAvatar StrangestMoon
Do I know anyone who can do a cover design? I've got the ebook front cover and I need a wraparound for a KDP edition. It shouldn't need saying, but obviously I will fairly pay for this work. The only catch is I'd need it before Worldcon, so ideally within 2-3 weeks, faster if at all possible?
Reposted byAvatar StrangestMoon
I just saw an interview with a male fantasy author where he said "I guess I haven't really written female protagonists because it's not really something I feel like I can write from a place of knowledge." Reader, this man wrote a series with a whole ass ancient dragon as their protagonist. 🙄
Time to celebrate those crazy kids who can't quit their jobs to be together.
This is why I don't get all these pieces on Gen Z fashion: they don't want to look like millennial? I don't want to look like them either! This generational divide is normal and expected
Also as we get older we’re not supposed to fit in with the kids! Leave them alone! It’s normal and fine for them to find things outside their own age cohort extremely cringe.
Rewatching Interview with The Vampire Season 1 before checking out the new stuff... Still can't get over how great this adaptation turned out!