Sue Wilson

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Sue Wilson

#Emmy winning investigative journalist turned
Media Democracy reformer.
Film: Broadcast Blues,
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Here's a guy that did a lot of public writing on how to use public policy to create better public debate and democracy
Nicholas Johnson -
Still processing the debate. I admit I feel betrayed. It's seemed to me that for months they've kept Joe Biden in hiding. He didn't even do the easy Super Bowl interview. I fully support Biden's policies, I think he's had a tremendous first term. But can he beat Trump? Polls say no. What to do?
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What a helpful thread. My main question: Are there specific US policies the protestors are targeting? ie: Cut all funding to Netanyahu 's administration? Or?
Just looking for some insight into what's happening at colleges nationally.    I get that they are protesting against the treatment of those in Gaza. But do you know, is there any US policy they want?    The media makes it seem that many are protesting but don't really know why. The media... :-(
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Will Bunch on "Civil War." "While the major news outlets continue to obsess on 'both-sidesing' a five-alarm fire for the American Experiment, aided by reporters seeking to find “the fun” in politics... there are some folks who do get it. One of them is Chris Quinn."
Every Easter I find myself thinking about the crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth. And also of Matthew Shepard. Let's remember what happened to Matthew and the many whose names and stories we don't even know. Let us hope some good comes of them in some way.
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So what *could* Dems do NOW to improve media discourse for all of us? 1. Restore the Right to Respond to personal attacks and falsehoods on our air 2. Provide funding for media policy studies. 3. Rewrite radio ownership caps More:
here in the states the "left wing" (read: mostly centrist democratic party) doesn't even have a media policy. Can't even develop an immune response to academia or journalism being under relentless assault. it's like not even something that's consistently brought up in party messaging.
Yes, it's turned into my new Pet Peeve: My phone ignoring commas. And replacing them with a period and new sentence. (Should read: My phone ignoring commas, and replacing them with a period and new sentence. )
May you always have A sunbeam to warm you Good luck to charm you And a sheltering angel So nothing can harm you. Laughter to cheer you Faithful friends near you And whenever you pray, Heaven to hear you. Happy St. Patrick's Day!
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"The long-running legal battle between a group of major record labels and continues. But it’s the rights of internet users that are at stake." Read the latest from on how the most recent appeals court ruling threatens internet access everywhere.
Broadband Providers Are Not Copyright Cops: Why the Sony v. Cox Case Threatens Internet The long-running legal battle between Sony and Cox continues, with possible ramifications for internet users everywhere.
Is there a difference between what Julian Assange did v what Edward Snowden did? I see Assange's wholesale release of information as so broad to be troubling. But I see Snowden's targeted release of info as appropriate whistleblowing. Thoughts?
"History is written by the victorious, the liars, the strongest, the most determined. Truth is found most often in the silence, in the quiet places." - Kate Mosse, Labyrinth
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Jim Jordan finally released the transcript of Scott Brady, the guy who, on Bill Barr's order, set up a side channel to launder Rudy Giuliani's dirt into the Hunter Biden investigation. It is, IMVHO, the most scandalous thing to come out of impeachment.
"Trump posted Obama’s home address on social media, leading a J 6 insurrectionist named Taylor Taranto to go to Obama’s house in a van full of weapons, where he was arrested. The New York Times wrote about Taranto’s arrest, but did not so much as hint at Trump’s role in motivating the incident."
I just wrote about the contention that we shouldn't criticize media coverage of Biden's age, which I think suffers from an excessively narrow understanding of the utility of media criticism.
Yes, Democrats should criticize the New York It won't stop the Times from doing big things badly, but there are other important benefits
Do the Rs even know they're sharing "low quality" information? Do they care? There appears to be an intentional political motivation here.
"R members [of Congress] share considerably more [low-quality sites] than Ds, and that this gap has increased over time... we investigate the potential mechanisms underlying this partisan gap... only Rs receive increased engagement when sharing low-quality sites"
Partisan Differences in the Sharing of Low-Quality News Sources by U.S Political How often do political elites in the U.S. share low-quality news sources? Are there differences between the parties? While past work has investigated individuals sharing low-quality news sources, t...
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My next live YouTube session: 11am Pacific Time today (Tue, Feb 6!). Topic (but of course): ongoing historic & record-breaking rainfall in SoCala the aftermath of major wind-related power outages in NorCal, & some broader context. #CAwx
Weather and climate office hours by Weather West: 02/06/ The latest in a recurring series of live, virtual, & interactive "office hours" hosted by Dr. Daniel Swain on various topics related to extreme weather and c...
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See that part in blue? Where it says, "those who adopt it look tough-minded, independent and clear eyed." That's EJ Dionne identifying an incentive system that should never have gained the hold it has on political journalism: The dubious art of appearing tough on both sides.
Imagine a company got licensed to provide air for your town. What would you do if they started poisoning your air? You'd fight. They ARE poisoning our air with propaganda - and the FCC allows it. Join the fight. See Media Action Center & 👇
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Political media "also needs to make an assertive case for reality, e.g: The nation is not awash in crime The border is not wide open The economy is not in the toilet (it’s doing amazing well) Joe Biden is not mentally incompetent Government is working These should be major themes of our reporting"
It’s our obligation as political journalists to intervene: To expose Trump’s con job, refute his lies, and make it clear that what he is advocating is not conservative but is, in fact, extremely radical.
The duty to intervene: What news organizations need to do in 2024 | Press Encouraging better, more responsible political press coverage before the 2020 election.
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Why Trump, Haley, and DeSantis are all ending the GOP primary by attacking Fox