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not really a cat. but i like 'em.
Reposted byAvatar cats_hell_yeah
Folks in Reno please be on the lookout, this poor lady lost all three of her beloved cats when her vindictive ex surrendered them (w/o proper proof of ownership) behind her back. Link below.
Reposted byAvatar cats_hell_yeah
"Following the failed assassination attempt on Saturday, former President Donald Trump did not see a polling boost, in the first presidential survey taken since the event....In fact, Trump's lead has narrowed slightly since an earlier poll taken July 12-14" lol. lmao
Surprise: Trump did not get polling boost after Following the failed assassination attempt on Saturday, former President Donald Trump did not see a polling boost, in the first presidential survey taken since the event.In the national Morning Consul...
Read the article Kevin posted
So my question is, what would the ppl at the heritage foundation think of this? They don't strike me as tattoo people.
I guess this was inevitable
Reposted byAvatar cats_hell_yeah
He always, always seems like he has something he wants to tell me
Ok your commentary made me bust out laughing
Speak of the devil (the white screenshot only)
I just spent 248 bucks on my son, which should get me maybe 48 hours of niceness if I'm lucky
I was secretly hoping he'd announce something after he was sworn in next year but I am also aware that I can be very idealistic/naive about this kind of shit. So the fact he's announcing it now at a time when it absolutely will energize people has me beyond happy
That's what they're depending on, young people and folks who weren't really keyed in on politics not realizing it's never been democrat party, always democratic party. They think they can get ppl to stop using the latter & tbh they have moved the needle on that a tiny bit as your experience shows
Reposted byAvatar cats_hell_yeah
Meanwhile over at the Republican convention: DUDE: Don’t be an asshole MATT GAETZ: Dude, I don’t even know who you are. DUDE: It doesn’t fucking matter who I am. Don’t be an asshole.
Lump shapeshifted back into cat, no longer snoring
Reposted byAvatar cats_hell_yeah
checking in on night 2 of the RNC
That's why I'm totally content with my 370 followers, could not deal with even half the number you have!
Those are the people I block about 5 seconds after reading their comment
[Biden does something universally hailed as a good idea] A CERTAIN KIND OF ONLINE LEFTIST: First, he should have done this sooner, and second, he's only doing this because he wants people to vote for him.
"Trump is only inevitable if you give up" TATTOO THAT ON YOUR FOREHEADS FOLKS LFG
"The right wants you to feel like trump is inevitable but trump is only inevitable if you give up. There are more people who want normal democracy to continue, if those people vote Trump loses."---Molly Jong-Fast
Somebody needs to do a story about that. Like a bunch of stories until you get the attention of a major newspaper that probably won't check it out themselves oh nvm
There’s a bookstore in my town in SW Virginia with an entire shelf devoted to how much JD Vance sucks and doesn’t speak for Appalachia, which I’ve always had the sense is a somewhat bipartisan consensus out here, so I confess I am curious to see how that ends up playing.
If only you could hear how loud this lump on my lap is snoring right now
Congratulations u win the award for the dumbest skeet of the day
Oh man same on the lack of counter space, I'd get an air fryer in a hot minute if I had room
Reposted byAvatar cats_hell_yeah
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
Reposted byAvatar cats_hell_yeah
His 1st skeet reads "My attempt to take stock of the bleak political landscape after three disorienting weeks" yeah fuck you dude this debate was pretty much over by the middle of last week. Also if you're disoriented maybe you should get that checked out. Could be Parkinsons. Or dementia
Reposted byAvatar cats_hell_yeah
Nobody at the RNC came to hear Boris Johnson and Kellyanne Conway. How embarrassing.
Every picture of JD Vance looks like he got botox and it worked in reverse
Every picture of JD Vance looks like it’s accompanying s news story about a former child actor who got caught in a multi level marketing scam