Susan Campbell

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Susan Campbell


Still not entirely clear on this whole social media thing. Apparently I am supposed to have something to say about everything?

I study how people use AI and do cybersecurity and stuff.
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"...approaches that take the following three steps have a better chance of rooting out service inequity: documenting service work across the faculty; making that documentation transparent; and creating consequences for those not doing their fair share."
Deans can help ensure fairness and equity in faculty service (opinion) Richard Badenhausen suggests ways they can chip away at the phenomenon, most of which don’t cost money and are replicable across institutions.
Oh, cool. I draw my students’ attention to the camera in the back of the classroom and say it isn’t recording, but I guess maybe that’s not so much under my control.
UNC Chapel Hill bureaucrats secretly record professors' classes, without notice or consent, "using the existing Panopto camera in the classroom" to investigate "reports concerning class content and conduct"
Letter says UNC Chapel Hill secretly records A business school professor was startled to learn that the university had recorded his classes as part of a ‘review’ he didn’t know about. The university says it has no formal policy on filming classe...
Reposted byAvatar Susan Campbell
A study on what many of us already know: over 75% of internal service work in academia is done by women. The bit that gets me:”The male associate professors in particular made it clear that they actively engaged in evasiveness and did not want to participate if it was not positive for their careers”
Women end up doing the academic
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The bot says it’s okay to commit wage theft and violate housing laws, but there’s a disclaimer on the page saying the bot “may occasionally produce incorrect, harmful or biased content,” so I’m sure it’s fine.
NYC’s AI Chatbot Tells Businesses to Break the Law – The The Microsoft-powered bot says bosses can take workers’ tips and that landlords can discriminate based on source of income
Reposted byAvatar Susan Campbell
Happy Festival of Shared Governance to all who celebrate!
This article includes a map of where the microphones are — unsurprisingly, in Baltimore it’s exclusively in the Black Butterfly. But is that isolated set of red dots northeast of DC the UMD campus?
Apparently Barb is a little excited about the unseasonably warm weather in Baltimore
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I missed something; I would have piled on if given the opportunity, though :)
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My college is doing a joint hire with government and politics for an assistant professor in politics and data science. Tenure home is INFO. Hired the brilliant Fiona Shen-Bayh last year for the reverse gig (GVPT tenure home). I'm not on the committee but happy to talk. Good place to work. #polsky
Assistant The College of Information Studies (INFO) at the University of Maryland, College Park and the Department of Government and Politics (GVPT) in the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences (BSOS) invit...
Do you have your spring teaching lined up yet? Because we have a bunch of data science courses to fill
End of feed.