Susan Kang

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Susan Kang

Poli Sci prof at John Jay/CUNY; NYC DSA, PSC CUNY, Queens mom, low key meat head 🌹🛼🏋🏻‍♀️
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Beautiful members at the budget justice rally today, City Hall
OK now I am a bluesky person
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A lot of ppl addicted to talking about how nothing good is possible - cheers to for interviewing cool ppl like Lizzie & Brandon about how we actually won a Green New Deal in New York & why you can in your state too
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Everyone at the Brooklyn Cyclones game just booed ConEd when they were announced as a sponsor. Greatest city in da world
2023 me is going to mope more frequently
Not my kids walking to the sprayers by the Unisphere in Flushing Meadows park and seeing this. Thanks for nothing, Eric Adams!
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2003: (buying reusable water bottle) I’m lowering my carbon footprint through my individualized consumption 2023: (meditating in sun) Im building my body’s tolerance to heat through my individualized suffering 2043: (walking up volcano) the rains will reappear through my individualized sacrifice
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when all the mattel cinematic universe movies flop really hard it's going to make me feral when executives blame audiences and not the people who badly misunderstood the appeal of an indie director-driven, mildly camp spectacle and thought america was instead clamoring for a polly pocket vehicle
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Is Maine… nationalizing the power industry?
This November the people of Maine will vote on creating the first state-run public power company. If the measure passes the state will buy out the assets of the two dominant for-profit power companies and replace them with a new public utility.
Sad but true: the only thing my 10 year old finds impressive about me is that I can do an OK (to his ears) English accent. Curious? Check out Left on Red's "Your best British accent" with and BS free Jonathan Havercroft
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day 69 of the writers strike. nice. (say it back)
Thanks mom and dad for having the 7 o'clock news on, where they featured the Long Island shark sightings, and thus my younger, braver child announced "We're not going to the beach for a long time" (I hope this means for a week or two) 🦈🦈🙄🙄
Fighting with my MSNBC loving parents about the value of unions. I pointed out that my mom gets a guaranteed payout from her time working at a hospital in the NYC metro for a few years back in 1986-1988, and she was like "well that's not the union!" Ah the '80s, where employers just gave pensions!
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“bluesky won’t have any debate because it’s all left-leaning folks” - person who has never been in a room with two leftists
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Having a laid back fourth of July, attending a community pool party (complete with free snow cones and a DJ who played Toby Keith "Courtesy of the Red White and Blue" at the request of a partygoer), dad-grilled Korean BBQ, and lots of K-drama
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Sitting in Astoria, reading Blood Meridian, when a woman in a DSA shirt asks me to sign a petition for the UPS union. I sign it and then we talk about The Sopranos. Love doing leftist praxis.
Went to the Jersey Shore, where I was reminded why I have not yet fulfilled my dream of becoming a professional beach bum
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Today in the easiest choices you've ever been presented:
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Child care has become so expensive that it's forcing parents to quit their jobs. Child care expenses have increased by 220% since 1990, according to a new Casey Foundation report. The average cost for a toddler in some states is now over $24,000.
2023 KIDS COUNT Data Read the 2023 KIDS COUNT Data Book reports on child well-being data across four domains — economic well-being, education, health and family and community.
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NEW: In Virginia last night, three reform prosecutors faced Democratic primary challengers who were backed by police & police allies. All 3 incumbents prevailed, & claimed vindication in what they cast as a referendum on criminal justice reform.
Reform Prosecutors Sweep Three Northern Virginia Primaries - Northern Virginia voters doubled down on criminal justice reform in Tuesday’s primaries, carrying to victory a trio of Democratic prosecutors who were facing challenges from their right. Steve Descano, Parisa Dehghani-Tafti,... Read More
Currently in the cross hairs of an intense water balloon/super soaker war next the TransAlt street fest 🎈💧☀️
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Hilarious the whole cast of the boy meets world show showed up to the strike except the one who keeps running in democratic races as the conservative option Corey is a fuckin bum lmao
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Reposted byAvatar Susan Kang
Hey please get this on to What's Hot: this June 23 there's a fundraiser for the DSA Strike Support for the Teamsters. Buy a ticket & come or just donate if you not from da Big Apple (that's New York)
I just gave to NYC-DSA! Show your support with a contribution.
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Fellas, is it gay to want breathable air?
Avatar and I teamed up with my friend of 20+ years historian-union organizer-policy king Dave Kamper to discuss the US welfare state that almost was and a fresh leftist take on the culture war