L Ron Mexico

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L Ron Mexico


As a GenX we are the first generation to be tricked by a meme into thinking renting horror movies made us brave, riding bicycles made us tough, drinking from the hose put us in harmony with nature
Student: We dont want our school to fund genocide. That’s it. Mainstream reporter: that’s too vague. Please keep talking until you say something I can frame as violent or antisemitic
(Billy the Kid finding out about the existence of Portugal the Man) is this motherfucker trying to come at me?!
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happy earth day! fuck off mars, you piece of shit!!!
Taylor Swift writes exactly like Garth Marenghi and nobody notices. Really is a testament to the power of music in general imo
*watching a cybertruck head full throttle towards a brick wall* (stoically) the cybertruck cannot hear the cybertrucker
The cybertruck exists because it’s illegal to sell an F-22 to a techno-libertarian on credit
Reposted byAvatar L Ron Mexico
that barstool guy finally found an epipen. good for him
Trump going to court is like Bolsonaro in the hospital: usually there because of something weird and disgusting and the pictures are alway hilarious
Says a lot about America that the guy who was the last president and might even be the next president is on trial, and I don’t even know or care why. I’ve accepted that’s just what he does now. It’s part of his whole thing.
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Ben Garrison smiles as he finishes his cartoon of the white bronco driving into hell. Now to finish the labels,
🎶walkin’ normal, walkin’ normal, everybody knows that I’m walking nor mal 🎶 - me high as fuck at the buffet carrying my plate back to the table
Reposted byAvatar L Ron Mexico
He's just going to keep getting more like this for the rest of his life, which is a bummer, but there's something funny about how sincerely Aaron Rodgers believes that he is doing something heroic by listening to extremely bad podcasts and then describing them to people who aren't interested.
the biggest movie of 2028 will be the Jake from State Farm gritty origin story and it will be written directed and cast all by AI
Looks like OJ got dangerously too close to finally catching the real killers
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Those who can't do, supervise or manage someone who can
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How are you supposed to grow if you never experience adversity? Unrelated question: do eyeball cells grow back?
Lol that’s cute, you used your little special glasses to celebrate a brief cosmic phenomenon with others. Well I’m partaking in a much longer and deeper collective experience: sharing the pain of having really hurt eyeballs with millions of my fellow dumbasses
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They use a system called “Where’s Daddy?” to take their AI-generated target list (filled with errors!), track men to their family homes, and then drop ‘dumb’ bombs on them, killing the entire family. And the IDF says this is good because it’s statistically defensible. I want to puke
'The army also decided during the first weeks of the war that, for every junior Hamas operative that Lavender marked, it was permissible to kill up to 15 or 20 civilians; in the past, the military did not authorize any “collateral damage” during assassinations of low-ranking militants.'
‘Lavender’: The AI machine directing Israel’s bombing spree in Gazawww.972mag.com The Israeli army has marked tens of thousands of Gazans as suspects for assassination, using an AI targeting system with little human oversight and a permissive policy for casualties, +972 and Local C...
[trying to light a lady’s cigarette and accidentally burning her hand] (making voice as Cajun as possible) we do thangs a lil different down hyear on da bye you
Reposted byAvatar L Ron Mexico
he’s finally hit the ‘skull calipers’ level, congrats everyone
Hey that big thing in the news that just happened, just letting you know I’m gonna use it to confirm all my dumbest paranoias and justify my most disgusting beliefs
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Usul has called a big one
Telling my kids this is David Lynch’s Dune
Telling my kids this is David Lynch’s Dune
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The point of laws like this isn't really to reduce the number of undocumented immigrants but to create conditions where if an undocumented immigrant worker has a dispute with their employer, the employer can credibly threaten to deport them.
If Texas SB4 goes into effect, the Texas Dept of Public Safety now claims they'll only use it to arrest migrants they see crossing the Rio Grande and won't make arrests in the state’s interior, per a top DPS official. Of course, the law as written contains no such restrictions.
Under new immigration law, DPS plans to arrest only migrants seen crossing Rio Grandewww.dallasnews.com If the state's new immigration law goes into effect, Texas Department of Public Safety troopers would arrest only migrants seen crossing the Rio Grande – and...
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Your beats out of sync like Sardukar vocals Whole crew of Harkonnen dudes who can't keep up with the locals My Fremen walk in watch you trip & scatter You think you got rhymes but your words chip & shatter.
People who get express their hornyness for celebs on the internet are packaging their sexuality as data and giving it away to corporations. They should do what I do instead: climb a water tower and scream all the spice girls government names in the bene gesserit voice
🎶 party people party people from Arrakis to Cancun, walk like the Fremen, crossing the dune 🎶 *proceeds to do the dumbest dance move you’ve ever seen*
imagine a Dune made in 1997 starring Will Smith and with him doing a Dune Rap over the credits
Getting reports Kim Mulkey pulled her purse pistol on a Dairy Queen worker in 2021 for not turning a Blizzard upside down before handing it to her