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Husband, dog father, artist, comedy writer, Lego and YT addict
Ian Fleming was an actual adult man who wrote a book with a character unironically named Pussy Galore
Guess what childhood film I watched today?
Did audiences lose their goddamn mind the first time someone decided to put the credits at the end?
This is my “explain the internet in two pictures.”
Me, waiting for my medal after being half-asleep and finally grabbing the end of the toilet paper after trying to find it for two minutes straight while never looking away from my phone
You don’t even have to go that far to disprove media illiteracy in conservatives. The goddamn Bible dishes more shit against the rich and religious hypocrites than Satan.
X-Men was doing apartheid analogies in the 80s. Star Trek aired the first interracial kiss on us television in the 60s and did episodes on the evil of conversion therapy in the 90s. The Rebels in Star Wars are based on the viet-cong. Some people are just media illiterate
Whoops I drew a lil nsfw Zelda
Sexually Suggestive
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Reposted byAvatar Sean
Discworld QOTD, from Hogfather this is my favorite quote in the entire series merry Hogswatch, everyone
Discworld QOTD, from Eric “The captain glared at him. The sergeant put on the poker face that has been handed down from NCO to NCO ever since one protoamphibian told another, lower-ranking protoamphibian to muster a squad of newts and Take That Beach.”
Watched some early random DBZ episodes the other day and I’d forgotten how bonkers this show is. Three DBZ fighters have died within an episode and then the military is called in, and the battleship is piloted by a dog and this is treated completely normal.
Me: I think my anxiety started with the fact that you become a ghost if you have unfinished business. And I always have unfinished business and I’m really concerned that most dead people seem to have figured out life but not me. Therapist: We usually just start with your name first.
Me watching Scream: oh shit it’s Matthew lillard my spirit animal!
So my childhood best friend who lives on the opposite side of the world said his son found an old drawing I did in high school. I genuinely do not remember drawing this but I’m pretty sure I did.
If anyone in the Triangle area would like to try their hand at sketch writing, I’m running a 6 week starter course next week and we’ll be doing some group work collaborations as well as working on building your own comedy sketches. I can’t wait to work with you!
Idk what it is but I like drawing wrestlers. Esp the old school ones. So here’s Ultimate Warrior.
Just remembering that Dylann Roof was taken alive and the police stopped to get him a cheeseburger on the way.
Reposted byAvatar Sean
Reposted byAvatar Sean
Cynar gets to meet both his favorite wrassler AND favorite punk rocker! Thanks !
Reposted byAvatar Sean
the antisemitic richest man in the world is quite literally aligning with right wing germans, so yea my ancestral alarm bells are going fucking nuts
Avatar asked me to post some Jill Valentine fanart I did so here we go!
One of the most deranged trivia facts I know is the teen rom-com “What a Girl Wants” came out right when America invaded Iraq. Amanda Bynes character’s casual flash of a peace sign on the promo material was edited out for fear of demonstrating anti-war sentiment.
You have no idea how relieving it is to find out my rural white grandmother despises Trump.
Sloppily eating a Granny Smith apple at my workplace like Captain Barbarossa intended
Reposted byAvatar Sean
Reposted byAvatar Sean
*sexy voice* Khajit has the wares if you have the coin
Reposted byAvatar Sean
Whenever I can afford it next, I’d like to visit Utah and Washington next. Favorite places: Sedona, Portland, Savannah, Richmond, Ocracoke Island, Greenville (SC), Colorado Springs
It’s a bit hard to explore when you’ve got everything you need in the great state of California