
me: it’s weird there are so many stoners in high school now. the whole time I was in high school, I never even saw a beer, and no one did drugs my children: me: my children: mom, we don’t know how to tell you this, but they did, you were just a nerd and they didn’t tell you
Could a nerd conduct the marching band like THIS
lol. I had that band nerd outfit and we was def drinking and smoking dope in HS. Sometimes directly before playing on the field.
Girl, I married a nerd who conducted a marching band like this. Same colors, slightly different uniform! Plus a kilt on parade. We embraced weed in our 40s, when we could afford it and cause less damage. 😂
You were a band-o? ‘Splains much! 😂 Here’s to nerds everywhere! 🥂
I just thought our town had an unusually large skunk population 🤷🏼‍♂️
So many skunks everywhere, especially by the bleachers
Boomer here, for us that smell was really from skunks, since skunky weed hadn't become a thing yet. Harsh nasty ditchweed was typically the best available.
One time after school someone got halfway through asking me if I had a lighter, then was like "wait nevermind, don't know why I'm asking you"
I carried a lighter! My friends smoked, so I carried and lit incense when we hung out. I was a nerd *and* obnoxious. 😂
One of my classmates' car lit on fire during a study hall and he was just like "I don't know what happened!" and I was like "wow, that's weird" and it was *years later* that one of my friends explained to me that that kid had been lighting up in his car. I had no idea about any of this.
This reminds me of my mom saying there were no cliques in her high school. Eventually I realized the only way she could have *not* known about a “popular” crowd is that she was one of them. I, on the other hand, never got invited to parties and was clueless about how much 🍺&💨 went on.
In my case I was totally socially rejected so I wouldn't know who the popular kids were since I eventually started avoiding everyone to protect myself from bullying
🥺 I’m sorry. That really sucks.
It did. Still havn't recovered socially
One of my partners had a very similar experience where he expressed to his high school friends that it was so impressive none of them had done drugs or had crazy parties... and they all looked at him and told him that he just hadn't been invited cause he would have told on them (which was true :P)
Vodka in water bottles It got bad enough that admin tried to ban water bottles altogether but I think it was eventually dropped just by being too hard to enforce I was a drama kid, everyone had weed but no one told me about it lol
Ha, I also entirely missed the drinking / drugs with your friends part of high school. It was definitely part nerdery, and part thinking drugs didn't seem like that much fun
Same PLUS, I didn't want anything to get in the way of the speediest possible exit from my small town.
I’m 52 and I remember smoking a joint in the high school bathroom when I was a sophomore. Even worse, it was one my dad rolled for me. Hippy single dads are different.
Even*better Because he probably did a primo job of rolling that thing
I got offered a tab of something in class from a guy who was awesome to chill with but way too experimental for me to trust his judgement on taking anything.
Heh. Reminds menthat my 80s high school has a bloody smoking area for students (WTF?!) Always filled with metalheads. We nerds did start using it for playing Frisbee during senior year study hall.
My friend insists this never happened when she was in school and we’re the same age so I just answer “mmm hmm.“
I would have said the same (except everyone drank, this was in the UK) until I once overheard a few of the popular kids discussing what drugs in what quantities they needed to buy and who was chipping in what for some party I was not invited to
Had this exact revelation about a year ago and I'm like
Don't know what kind of nerd group you hung out with. We sat around half drunk riffing our way through old scifi movies my junior year.
(checks statute of limitations) In high school, we kept beers in the toilet cisterns. There might also have been other things going on.
When I was in HS, smoking tobacco was still socially accepted. (Which meant they could limit it to outdoor smoking areas plus one of the two teacher's lounges.) Some people had wine at parties or football games (drinking age was 21, but in some nearby states 18.) I knew a couple of stoners, not many
Indeed. I did myself no favors by replying to the few who offered tobacco with "my dad does that, ew".
YES. Totally oblivious to this. And so was president of the art club and drama club. 🤣
I'm old but I remember someone having one beer in the ladies room at Xmas.
Yeah, weed wax everywhere, sorry. And we stole booze.
There were reasons why people got kicked off the football team and I guess I just didn't know what they were. I was pretty naive.