
a floppy haired guy named nate, who unfortunately runs a lot of the pollcels of the democratic party, has consistently predicted that nonwhite 18-29s have swung R+40 in four years, and we're all living in the discourse he has created
call it cope, call it unskewing, whatever. that's what nate says is gonna happen. nate says that Black voters have swung R+40 since 2020. you can believe him or not.
i don't think that polling is going to end up where it is, but I have seen cross tabs from dem pollsters that would shock and horrify you. it's not entirely made up.
Based on the shift over Dobbs I do not but who the fuck knows
I think the safest bet is that the crosstabs are wrong but the headline result is probably approximately accurate--the tricks pollsters are using to get the right headline number are making their crosstabs weird as fuck.
Pretty sure there has been a significant shift though 40 points does push credulity.
I am willing to believe that swing is 1. not a statistical mirage and 2. concerning but R+40 is the kind of number that makes me want to double-check my work and get a second set of eyes on it to verify my methodology.
It's definitely cope, but it may pay off.
Like, the default here is that the polls are basically right. Maybe wonky deep in the crosstabs because of small sample sizes, but when you combine multiple polls, well, there's definitely enough of a sample to make statistical predictions.
2022 polling shows some warts, so that's something. Fetterman's polling average was -0.5%, he won by just under 5%, which is pretty big error!
But it's not universal; NC-SEN polled at R+5, finished as R+3. OH-SEN was R+7%, came out R+6%. Etc.
I literally cannot imagine a poll reporting a 35 point shift in the Black vote having any bearing on at least that part of the electorate. It's garbage! And it calls into question the rest of the poll as well. If I were doing poll aggregation modeling I might give this not a low weight but zero.
oh right. Nate says that Black voters have moved R+38 in two years.
I would like to see a graph since october, because that's going to be significant, but definitely not from that dork
Thanks for finding this! Haha wow at the notion of a literal 45 point swing in the Black vote between 2022 and 2024. That's just not a thing.
That’s what a poorly informed electorate gets you.
What? Double digit demographic swings between elections just don't happen, especially without some obvious cause
These things are based on how people “feel”. Not stats. Social media and the MSM have convinced them that they are much worse off than they actually are. Unemployment is not through the roof, there aren’t 15 million “illegal aliens” trying to steal their job and kill their family.
I’m reminded of that one panel-based tracking poll in 2016 that would shift several points depending on whether one person (a 19-year-old black conservative from Chicago) was in the sample or not that day
I did a poll and it ends up people are very mad that they gave covid vaccines to black people and that they don't admit that COVID was created in a lab in China
I remember when that didn’t happen in 2022 and also White 18-29s voted net D for the first time i think ever recorded?
What were the actual non-white results like in the midterms relative to the polling? Is that a thing that's easy to look up, because I have failed but might just not know the keywords.
I just can't see how anyone would get enough representative data to make a prediction for that age range outside of trolls and partisans. Even the most optimistic view of the numbers shouldn't allow for that when those are also among the least likely to vote demographics. pull the other one silver