Her Divine Goddess Synahel On High Heavens

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Her Divine Goddess Synahel On High Heavens


That one nerdy princess who talks too much about speedrunning, trans rights and magical girls
Sometimes does charity stuff for @lefrenchrestream
just made my appointment for bottom surgery. i’m not transitioning, i’ve just always wanted to have two dicks
SEGA, c'était plus fort que lui.
Vous avez la sensation de vivre un été avec un temps pourri en France ? Ce n'est pas le cas de tous les Européens, où des records de température sont battus chaque jour en Europe de l'Est. C'est la 3ème canicule subit par nos voisins, avec des conséquences physiques et mentales.
angry video game nerd playing bad videogame
if she could experience joy and grief and horniness and be a hot mess during an apocalypse all while mostly keeping it together, so can u
I'm watching a playthrough of Higurashi episode 3 (by TwoQueersPlay) and holy shit Even though i know the story (i watched the anime) and how strong it goes talking about child abuse, it still surprises me by how emotional i am just watching and listening to it This is really hard to stomach
if you're transgender, your first duty is to live. if youve got anything to give after that, your second duty is to help someone else live, because it's not easy and no one but you and I and those like us will ever understand. your third duty, if you can make it that far, is to live happily.
Welp it happened again. Russian T90 tank this time.
choosing not to transition is choosing not to get a lung transplant when one of yours is failing. and also the doctors don't want to give you the lung. and also the government might make it illegal to get a new lung and also the news says people who need a new lung are a danger to society.
cis people will never get it, no matter how much of a good ally they are, deep down they see it as a choice. and it is a choice. one between life or death. i chose to live.
I struggle to cope with how fucking heartbreaking it is, seeing folks who have transitioned 50 years ago being suddenly denied access to hormones they’ve had the entire time.
trans people have always existed yadda yadda but I don't especially want to have to take grey market hormones and pay out of pocket for a vaginoplasty from another country many years after I thought I'd be able to get one
Once in a while, i think about Outer Wilds' ending and i'm still breathtaken
i will kofi twenty dollars to the first person to show me a photo of their hand in the same position as this. share this around, im serious, anyone else with a crippling hypermobility condition deffo deserves free money i think
these are wonderful, but they're missing this extremely common hand position that everyone does all the time? lemme fix that
The main answer to that question is, surprisingly, because it does
Behold, the most boopable of snoots!
If we compare all the moral panic about "wokism" to the hippies movement from the 60s and the current state of the world to the worst part of the cold war + Vietnam war, then it means that we're nearing the reinvention of prog rock and i'm impatient for that
trans woman: i'm the antichrist, i understand now. but if exercise of my will results in the damnation of humanity, so much the worse for humanity cis ally, fidgeting while looking for an excuse to leave: um... slay...?
cis ppl struggling to maintain allyship once they realize that trans women are less like trixie mattel and more like the weird kid who mumbled to themselves in the back of the classroom
Seen today in “please pay for an actual translator”: A bottle of “Horsing Center Sauce”.
Nyx & Persephone for the changing of the seasons
lol happy ten years to dashcon !!!!
Stars and planets, THIS. This FOREVER. And also the missing art of folks who were passed over and shut out because such men didn't want to fuck them in the first place and therefore just utterly ignored them
Hot take: I'm truly not interested in hand wringing over how much people will miss enjoying the books of men who have turned out to be abusers. I'm far more concerned about the missing art that women haven't been able to create/publish because they crossed paths with such men.
I’m sad to hear that Shelley Duvall has died. I was talking to someone only yesterday about how brilliant I think she is. I was spoiled for what photo of her to use because they all have something great in them. RIP
you ever notice how transfems get criticized for their presentation no matter where they fall on the butch/femme spectrum? it's almost like we can't win