Full-time Canine Zaftikat

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Full-time Canine Zaftikat


Cardigan Corgi \ Toronto's foremost authority on watching movies without sound \ Writer \ Podcaster @ Danger Square Productions \ 30ish (most of the time) she/her \ Assigned New Jersey at Birth
surreal kind of dissociation happening rn in the car while my two aunts talk about the way people are choosing to be child free while I read the wormpreg book.
me when I ronto
toronto or not to ronto, that is the question
the whole idea of "sex ≠ gender" set us back by decades because cis people can just pretend the transsexual experience is playing dress up and roleplaying as the opposite gender instead of the very real, tangible experience of literally changing the sex that was assigned to us by accident of birth
let's fucking gooooooo
someone pls bring me a bagel and vegan cream cheese.
i can't leave jersey without having a bagel, mods pls get me bagel
someone pls bring me a bagel and vegan cream cheese.
someone pls bring me a bagel and vegan cream cheese.
they should invent alcohol that doesn't make you feel like death the next morning
when I’m president I will forbid conventionally hot people from being cast as Seymour and Audrey
oh youre tired??? should we turn all the lights off??? should we go to bed?? should we invite rip van winkle??
I fuckin got her. lmao get kissed idiot
holy shit the dog that keeps staring at me in the mirror is cute
there is less space between heaven and earth than there is between a puppygirl who is "sort of like if a woman was a dog" and one that is "basically like if a dog was a woman"
holy shit the dog that keeps staring at me in the mirror is cute
the trannies are not fucking leaving
how does anyone around here afford weed????? 32 US DOLLARS for a GRAM?????
tabletop RPGs are old news. the real gamers are playing stovetop RPGs
my first trip back to the US since 2022, and you can't even buy the lemonade that kills you anymore, because of woke.
"Tell them it's bullshit. Tell them that The Bear getting submitted in the Outstanding Comedy Series is bullshit and category fraud and points to how inherently flawed and corrupt the Television Academy's voting process is." "The Anjin says The Bear should have been submitted as a drama series."
LOS ANGELES (AP) — ‘Shogun’ tops all Emmy nominees with 25 and ‘The Bear’ leads comedies with 23, setting a new comedy series record.
it came back 10 minutes ago. did I miss anything?
the office building for work was flooding so they sent us home to finish out the day before shutting off the buildings power. drove home to find that basically the entire city west of dufferin has no power 🙃
Bluey is the latest in a long running phenomena of children's shows that become immensely popular with adults as a socially respectable means of ageplay
the office building for work was flooding so they sent us home to finish out the day before shutting off the buildings power. drove home to find that basically the entire city west of dufferin has no power 🙃
the skeet that said posting is how we tell each other "I'm alive" is gonna haunt me when we make exodus from this platform and I inevitably lose track some of you in the journey.
i deserve a place where my community can feel safe. where we're not subjected to bigotry and capricious bans. that place sure as shit isn't bluesky
trans lives are more important than playing fucking Connections.
literally every goddamn second on this fuckassed earth we are told to make ourselves smaller so joe biden wins or so some hateful shithead can use the bathroom or so that yall can enjoy the new york times
claiming the Chumhandle transsexualGoodgirl in advance
all hangouts to now happen via pesterchum
I wrote an essay about transfeminine disposability and epistemic injustice, about how easy it is for people to demonize transfems, to construct theories and histories of us detached from our lived reality, and to deny how we are oppressed when vilifying us. I've shared it here for ... no reason.
When the Doll Speakstaliabhattwrites.substack.com Imagine, if you will, the horror one feels, when something that was never meant to have a voice screams.