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Whitmer, Beshear, Newsome, Mayor Pete, Polis, Warren, etc. Dems bench is great and is better than the starting lineup
Okie dokie. Who should run?
This is delusional. Biden will lose if he is on the ticket. He isn’t the only choice. He is the only choice they will cost us democracy. He needs to drop out
I have said all along that I think Biden will win in November; I know he is the only choice to preserve this disgrace of a democracy. And still, this is terrible. It is shameful. That this is the best we have on both sides? The moderators refuse to moderate. It’s fucking ridiculous.
Biden has the opportunity to respond and counter. He’s unable to do so.
A debate that is ‘blatant lies’ vs. ‘refuting lies’ privileges the liar.
If you want to have fun with a friend who is Trumpy but also very theological (not like fake version of Evangelical Christian), don't waste your time arguing over Trump going to jail. Ask them if they think Trump is going to Heaven. They will probably say yes, but the question will torture them.
I would never, never be able to find this much grace in myself.
In 1999 Walter Huss, the Holocaust-denying former chair of the Oregon Republican Party who had ties to a variety of white supremacists, neo-Nazis and far right domestic terrorists, printed out the full run of the Modern Militiaman's Internet Gazette. Page 1 featured Sam Alito's favorite flag.
April 25, 2020 Public health officials in New York, Maryland and Illinois say they have seen a significant increase in calls to poison control since the president suggested that injecting disinfectants might cure the virus. One person used detergent as a sinus rinse; another gargled with bleach.
NYC Poison Control Calls for Bleach, Lysol Double After Trump Disinfectant Commentwww.nbcnewyork.com Calls to New York City’s Poison Control Center for exposure to certain household chemicals more than doubled after President Donald Trump suggested injecting disinfectant might be one way to combat CO...
April 20, 2020 The virus has now killed more than 40,000 people in the US, nearly a quarter of all global deaths from Covid-19. New York, the current epicenter of the outbreak, is recording over 500 deaths a day.
In the past two days: *Trump fell asleep at his court appearance *was admonished at by the judge for intimidating potential jurors *wrote a long post where he confused 83 year old actor Al Pacino and 56 year old talk show host Jimmy Kimmel Barely a ripple. Now imagine if Biden had done any of this.
RC Cola exists only to wash down a Moon Pie.
RC Cola too
My hometown as well
Pride of Bristol!
Pride of Bristol!
What about Tennessee Ernie Ford, though? I guess his estate would sue.
So I stayed off Twitter for the last month and a half, and — aside from missing soccer journalism that remains concentrated on that platform — tbh it was pretty great
Larry Kudlow did not mention on his Fox "Business" show this afternoon that the Dow closed above 38,000 for the first time ever
The morning paper, January 5, 2024:
(L-R) 1. murder your brother & starve your tribe 2. be vain and jealous of your stepdaughter 3. look old & ugly when trying to murder your stepdaughter 4. lead a mob to murder your love interest's crush
LMAO including Scar as a villain who was right. Scar didn't even have a vision, he was just jealous of his brother so he organized a fascist takeover. Once in power, he was unsurprisingly incompetent at governing. Absolutely zero merit to him, just crimes.
I think it's arguably worse than that, I think the Trump-inspired GOP actively wants to side with Putin/Orbanism.
By abandoning Ukraine, the GOP is returning to its isolationist roots. A majority of Republicans voted against the 1941 Lend-Lease Act to aid Britain in battling the Nazis. Thank goodness that in those days both houses were controlled by Democrats. wapo.st/46QYdTx
Opinion | The GOP’s abandonment of Ukraine makes me ashamed to be an Americanwapo.st Congressional Republicans are becoming increasingly isolationist — and are making the world a more dangerous place.
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