
Keep in mind: There’s a ballot measure in Arizona this fall, put there by the GOP, that’d pretty much kill popular initiatives there. Direct retaliation for progressive measures on minimum wage, gerrymandering, abortion, campaign finance.
Arizona Republicans Set Up a Ballot Measure to Squash Future Ballot A constitutional amendment, placed on the November ballot by GOP lawmakers, would severely restrict direct democracy through strict geographic requirements on ballot petitions.
Once they take it from you, it's hell getting it back. Speaking from experience here in Mississippi, where the Supreme Court took it from us on the most transparent technicality and the legislature refuses to give it back.
didn't work elsewhere, hopefully it won't work in AZ either
I love this, in that it will be as unpopular as the same gambit in Ohio and be a net negative for the GOP ticket this November.
They tried this in Ohio. It also made Republicans very angry and it lost by a very wide margin.
The irony is killing me. If they're so ardently against ballot measures, pass a goddamned law! And pay the price with your job if the people don't like it.
They can’t pass the laws. Hobbs keeps vetoing them.
I think there’s something to be said for putting reasonable restrictions on ballot access for measures and what they can accomplish. CA’s constitution is a mess (in anti-progressive ways) because of our initiative system. That said, AZ’s attempt at this is transparently to block progressive issues.
Wow. I know other states try to do that (Ohio) to stop liberal initiatives to be voted on. I always think of ballot initiatives was a West Coast conservative movement. It seemed like from CA to WA it was always some dumb motion, often started only one dumb schmuck. Didn't see them trying to kill it
It’s like asking the genie for fewer wishes, since the previous ones didn’t work out as planned.
So much freedom I can’t stand it.