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Ohio GOP is corrupt, turn OH Blue! MSM let us down, it's up to us to get informed & pool resources to find the truth. Not an attorney.



cash app: $UBI4
Patton Oswalt: "The entire back page of the NYtimes Opinion section is a zero pushback interview with Steve Bannon that paints him as a dark rebel with complicated ethics. Fantastic job, shitdicks."
Kyle Griffin: "While speaking to staff and volunteers at a campaign office in Philadelphia, a woman shouts to President Biden, "we need dark Brandon back." Biden responds: "Dark Brandon is coming back.""
Good morning. GuyRichardson Photography
No amount of appearances will keep certain ppl from asking why Biden hasn't appeared in public to address the debate. Meanwhile TFG has 2 events for July on his event schedule, and practically gets his ass carried from the front door to the SUV. He'll show bullshit medical records, if he shows any.
Democrats must take control of their own narrative. Stop letting the media and the GOP define us. Locate the spirit of all the folks who survived the indignities of the past and brought you into this world. Fight for the things you love and the people you leave behind. Make a difference. Do it now.
Brian Tyler Cohen: "This is really disappointing. The future of our country, our freedoms, and our democracy is at stake. And yet our media views it all as one big fun “lit” game. When we say that the media isn’t meeting the moment, this is what we mean."
Corporate greed & clickbait revenue are terrible frameworks from which to inform oneself and pick a president. Interpretive dance would be more informative. The medium became old w/a message we're not trying to hear. It could just be a fancy way to distribute billionaire wish-lists now.
Sad. Hand written note tallying up what struck her as a coordinated attack from NYT on Joe Biden. Their history & legacy have taken a hit I'm not sure they can recover from. - How much of this is fear of TFG's potential new power? Or to be the favored genius who "breaks" Joe? SCOTUS did this.
F. Scott Fitzgerald knew
I see what you're saying, that's annoying, will try to talk to someone about that w/the next DNC affiliated person I talk to. Be sure to click on the videos tab at the top, that seems to put up more recent items
Looking at the news this week should be eye-opening for anyone who has been watching TFG's craziness for the last decade. They're not interested in confronting that madness, which says a lot about how they consider our safety. Truth? American media: "A country at peace is bad for business."
Good morning. I sure hope no one is scrutinizing each word or sound I say for signs of cognitive impairment today. I'm tired not senile, please be human to me lol
beech tree surrounded by wild garlic in Wexford, Ireland.
Why do Christofascists hate sex other people have so much? Jealous? Here's the thing, most ppl have sex more than a few times. Many have never procreated. Older women who no longer menstruate have sex all the time, too. What exactly are they going to do about it? Stay out of our bedrooms, creeps.
I've noticed this, too. Most of the people calling for Biden to step down are white people. (white folks are a different story)
from the guardian live: 1h ago The UK’s new prime minister Keir Starmer is greeting supporters, having arrived at Downing Street. He will shortly be giving his first national address, having been formally appointed to the role by King Charles at Buckingham Palace outside No 10. Photo: Oli Scarff
Good morning. pic by shaazjung
Had to laugh: saw this picture just as a bunch of fireworks went off and juxtaposed it with what the cat under the bed must be enduring. Flashes of a long night 😺 --- ©Philomena Famulok How to become a cat, mixed media 2023
capitolhunters: To everyone appalled by NYT's July 4 op-ed "Why I don't vote. And maybe you shouldn't either", note that 1) author Matthew Walther DID vote in both 2020 and 2022, and 2) he's an extremist Catholic graduate of Hillsdale College, part of the religious-right faction behind Jan 6. lol💀
the flame of contemplation. laura makabresku.
content warning: possible Stephen Miller Whatever hybrid slop this is, comes after Kamala's laugh. Their obsession with it is weird and a suspected hypnosis ritual. But really, here come the caricatures to portray her as flighty or incompetent, when in reality she's a smart success story.
So much stupidity repeating itself throughout history & education is the only answer. Yet most of my (Gen X) life, they've chipped away at those building blocks - the opposite of what we need to combat misinformation. Some are here to divide us further & keep us reacting, but we're busy learning.
My cats are laying low today, we had fireworks going off next to my house until very late. Pushing the impulse to frame this as the last 4th under democracy out of my thoughts. Don't feel like celebrating, but will talk w/folks later. Hope you tell ur ppl about saving America from Authoritarianism.
Being a dictator is TFG's fantasy, he will try to show off. Understand we need to talk to folks. Ask them if they know about Alexei Navalny this Independence Day.
SCOTUS justices gave immunity w/o being certain of a 2nd TFG term? I don't believe them. Nor do I trust these new cogs laid out neatly in their Project 2025 slots. There's a lot of confident sneering going on within this anti-democratic commiseration. The smugness of fascists has a distinct scent.
Think twice b4 replying to concern-trolls: -- from Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin, ecmclaughlin on threads: "A friend who works in AI (at the AI Design Corps TruthBot Brigade) just sent me this. Seriously, people, stop amplifying disinformation. Just stop it. (and better yet, stop falling for it)"