
I'm constantly marveling at Trump's luck as a politician. He only won in 2016 because he ran against one of the Democrats' weakest candidates. In 2024 he ends up running against someone even weaker.
Counterpoint is that if the other possibilities were so much stronger, why didn’t they win their own party’s nomination?
Because the party leadership is averse to healthy internal competition
I'm a big Bernie supporter — knocked doors in 2016 and 2020, whole shebang — but a lot of people seem to brush aside the fact that he got, fair and square, significantly fewer votes than his opponents in both primaries
Yeah no offense to you but I was real confused at the Bernie bros claiming he was robbed when, in fact, he simply got fewer votes. It's just math, and not even "weird electoral college" math.
also, once again, sanders is not a member of the democratic party.
This is true, but he was running in the Democratic primary nonetheless
yes, but that doesn't mean he has a right for the DNC to stand behind him and support him. you are not a member of the party, why is anyone surprised the party wants to elect a member rather than a non-member. (i'm p sure we are on the same side here i am just explaining my comment.)
yes, correct. his only shot was running as a Dem, but it's not terribly surprising that he didn't get a lot of support from them.