
Anti-vaxxers: "covid is just like the flu!" Researchers: "get both flu and Covid vaccines!" anti-vaxxers: "not like that"
Someone please tell the Tories that. They decided to throw away millions of doses over the winter instead of give them to people. We're supposed to be able to buy, at £45 a pop, a vaccination from 1 Apr. There's only one pharmacy in Reading offering it so far. It's ludicrous.
I did not even know there were plans to offer them paid, thanks for the info.
They really hitting y'all with American prices, huh? That's bonkers.
I'm gutted I didn't get the shingles vaccine for free when I had the chance (lived in the US until 2022), because here it's between £200 and £400. You only get it free at age 70, which is absurd.
USian here, I can’t get the shingles vax despite having multiple things wrong with my immune system. Unless I have a narrow range of immune compromising conditions, I can’t get it til I retire. 🤷🦅🇺🇸
That's crazy; 70 is way too late. For once the US has better healthcare on something
Only once a year? I can live with that. After all, I get the flushot yearly.
Given the evidence that efficacy wanes after 4-6 months, boosters should be bi-annual. Covid is not the flu.
Even the paperwork I got from the pharmacy with my last round said it was effective for 6 months.
My concern is the double wave vs one vaccine for covid vs one wave one vaccine for flu given immunity wanes a lot after 6 months. Protection for one wave but not so much for both in Aus. (6 monthly recommended for the most vulnerable tho!)
At this point I would take any level of vaccination - the UK government has made it inaccessible for the majority of people. It's been more than 2 years since I last qualified for one.
Oh man. Thats attrocious. Im putting my next variant booster off so its not at the end of a wave like when it first became available. But worried they will pull them whilst i do so.
It's absolute bullshit. They spent 2 years talking about how the UK was taking a "vaccine-led" approach and therefore didn't need any other measures, then they whittled away the vaccine programme.
Would be better to have a single shot with both vaccines combined
If they could come *down* to once a year, that'd be awesome.
I like vaccines, but I wish there was a way to do it without a needle that was effective, since I have a crippling fear of needles
I totally understand you. I nearly collapse because of this 😅
if it's going to be like this... then why not just fold it right into the flu shot? get it as part of the seasonal flu vax. COVID's just a pretty brazen type of flu, but it's still a flu too.
Wait, we were supposed to get the flu shot yearly?
I'm under 65, my GP practice basically refused to give me another booster, and I caught COVID 14 months after my last (fifth) one.
I wanted to get my yearly vaccine, yet my doctor refused because I had already been vaccinated more often than the recommended quantity/more than most people (I got the vaccine every 6 months in the first two years) :(
We already are here in SW Scotland - flu and covid - I've had so many I've lost count, but this may be because of age and health concerns.
Uhm... We aren't trusting US researchers doing Capitalism Science, are we? The "public health" guidance the USA exports is wholly inadequate. It's largely a reflection of profit motives and speculation vibes about uptake frequency, not about what the virus is currently doing or vaccine efficacy.
Don't get me wrong: I love the vaccines and wish everyone could access them, but the protection they offer wanes in a span of months, during which time the virus is mutating to be more evasive amid uncontrolled spread and the vaccine recipe is lagging behind that evolution. This policy enables that.
US CDC wants this to overlap with flu for ease of everything. COVID is not flu and never will be. Vaccinations 2x per year is what should be recommended for all if they’re sticking with current vaccine options. Currently only spring shot for 65+ and immunocompromised.
DUH! Please can we figure out how to combine them, then ideally, mandate them?