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Librarian in the before times, artist, isolated, not disposable.

There will be cat content.


Reposted byAvatar Brooke
I don’t like to be indirect. So I’m telling you that I have active cancer and the health care workers refuse to mask. So for the fourth time in a cow I have come home SICK from CHEMOTHERAPY. You can’t tell by looking who is sick. It feels like I’m paying them to kill me. Please wear a mask.
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
Friends, please remember that 18 U.S.C. § 879 makes it a federal crime to threaten to inflict bodily harm on a former president of the united states. Nothing you want to post right now is worth the criminal exposure.
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
I am looking for plus-size, knee-high compression socks. Specifically in neons, but also in fun, bright patterns. Bonus if you can say the socks do not feel awful in your feet. Double bonus for small businesses within the disability community. #NEISVoid #Disability
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
None of those dudes use walkers. But disabled people do. Maybe we should think more carefully about how we represent disability technologies, esp when framed as the only image next to the words "No way to run a country."
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
The DC Water and Sewer Authority has just issued a Boil Water Advisory for all customers in DC
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
If anyone has suggestions, please respond to Deramin's post. #NEISvoid #Disability
Hello, disability community hive mind. My elderly dad recently lost his hearing pretty rapidly along with getting a lot of brain fog. I need tips on ways to try to accommodate him that are very simple to use. They can afford the Crip Tax if needed for easier tools.
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
The thing is, the disabled are a population of enraged people. The disabled are carrying a deep rage because not only is ableism embedded in nearly everything in our world, but people without our vulnerabilities are hostile to making anything better for us. Also society does not accept our rage.
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
no thoughts only vibes (and legs)
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
Charlie as a kitten! That fish is barely 1/3 of his arm now!
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
omgomgomgomgomgmogomgmogomgogmgomgmg YELLING WORKS BULLYING UR GOVT WORKS LET'S GOOOOOO
After months of public outcry and pressure from the City Council, New York City’s libraries are poised to have their budgets fully restored so that branches may resume seven-day-a-week service, including Sundays.
NYC libraries to get budget funding back — and reopen on In November, the mayor's budget cuts forced libraries to close on Sundays. The issue has been a thorn in his side ever since.
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
Portrait of a dog who really wants to get that squirrel and also cannot set down the garden gnome in her mouth.
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
Sit with this. Then restart anyway. We’re seeing a summer surge. If you’ve restarted let folks know—here and elsewhere. Let them know it is NEVER too late to start caring about people in an ongoing disaster. Be the cavalry as the front lines fall, not the quislings. We are fighting for our lives.
I also think another part is that people tend to believe they are "good people" who "do what is right" so I think a lot of people are struggling to start masking again because it would mean they have made decisions that probably killed someone in the last 4 years for their own temporary comfort.
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
Literally the only time I got COVID was outdoors. All it took was a few unmasked minutes to eat chili at a farm with less than a dozen people around. It breaks my heart that so many people are being misled to believe outside = safe. It isn't, and reinfections come with increased health risks too. 😷
You can get covid outside though (ask me how I know). And crowds are especially great at spreading it. So banning masks at protests is effectively asking people to choose between engaging in protected speech or getting covid.
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
“Immunocompromised people shouldn’t be gathering in large groups anyway” is making me cry today, man. They’re saying the quiet part out loud and the only people I see really making noise about this are those of us who will be completely shut out of public life if these bans go through
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
I'm heartbroken most days but there's so much to do; I want to hope people will move in solidarity. I hope people start masking again. Even if you feel weird, even if you begin imperfectly, even if you don't "feel" you need to. If you stopped masking you can always start again. Please please do.
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
He’s escalated to direct eye contact. I give it a week before this squirrel figures out how to break into our home to find the suet stash.
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
We've got 25 replies! Come get yr moots! :D
Hey, #NEISvoid! If you're reading this, reply to connect with the Twitter exodus who are in the disability advocacy space. Use a "pushpin" icon and then check your replies to find this post again and follow new folks who reply. And share! Let's keep this post circulating as a way to reconnect.
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
A lot of disabled people can only exist socially online. That's missing in the lot of "touch grass discourse." Disabled people are often living physically limited from leaving their homes, & also commonly in social exile & abandonment that means the internet is the human community sustaining them.
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
The last four times I’ve picked up a specific prescription it has cost four different amounts. Next time I’m going to ask a forest witch to roll the bones and give me an estimate first
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
Also, wellbutrin/bupropion and any type of stimulant.
The moment before *shit got real*
from the vault, here is one of my all-time favorite expressions from Tarragon
Reposted byAvatar Brooke
my sleep paralysis demon is so fuzzy