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I like books, and people who like books.

Food, flowers, cat
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
reminder that this website does not have an algorithm so if everything on your homepage sucks or you think this website is “dead” it is quite literally a skill issue. follow more & better people. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
EVERY single water company in England & Wales is being investigated for breaching rules and sewage spills. Bills are rising to pay for infrastructure yet a director was given over over 100k bonus?!?? Our privatised water is shocking. 🌍
Every water firm in England and Wales under investigation over sewage Ofwat opens cases against Severn Trent and three others, days after they faced criticism over huge bill rises
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
Avatar this reminded me of your potato/ginger replacement, only worse.
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
As a philosopher, people ask me about "the good life." I usually tell them that I don't have a normative guide for the good life except that any version of the good life must be lived in community. Turns out that I was wrong. The good life is a life lived with cats. That's my normative guide.
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
“Carbon offsets” are just financial instruments, not activities or actions that reduce emissions. In fact, they have made businesses even greedier in gobbling up public land and land stewarded by indigenous peoples. The owner of a forest then sells “credits” to emitters. That’s it.
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
"The pandemic is over" You know, it's really weird then that people are still getting COVID infections on a regular basis and are still dying from COVID infections and disabled people still can't go outside safely and that the World Health Organization says we're still in a pandemic and- (1/208)
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
If you want access to free books, please get a library card. In the US, the more people there are with library cards, the more funding libraries have access to. Libraries provide more than books. They are a community resource. As an author and reader, I support libraries! #books #libraries
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
I have no love lost for Amazon but a reminder, a lot of nonprofits have Amazon wishlists and Prime Day can be great for them. Check on your local fave
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
Talked to several designers for book projects and they've all been hit super hard by AI Anyway if you have a cover project consider a cover artist
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
Republican or Democrat, black or white, rich or poor, we must band together as a nation and condemn the scourge of urinary tract infections
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
Beta blockers, SSRIs, most antidepressants make you more prone to sun sensitivity and dehydration. They can also make you more prone to burns as I understand it. Drink yer water, ya strumpets.
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
if you’re trying to engage with politically disconnected people about project 2025, identify a specific part that you think will resonate with them. i just told my friend who’s a public school teacher about the plan to abolish the department of education and that got her hooked.
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
I’m speechless
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
Daniel Craig playing an entire geology department himself:
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
A few things that are offensive that you may not know about. "Eat the food because children are starving in Africa." "We need ebook piracy because most people in sub-Saharan Africa don't have access to books." Please, just stop. And by 'please' I mean fuck you.
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
Folks this is pretty much true EVERYWHERE now. If your city plants a tree somewhere, odds are really good that's all they're going to do for it, and if it's getting too hot and dry in Seattle for young trees to survive... Adopt a new tree near you. Give it a milk jug of water once or twice a week.
Seattle friends! Know how the city has been planting saplings to replace trees that have died from heat/drought/age? The city does not actually water them regularly! In this dry heat, a lot of them are dying. Gator bags say they need 15 gal/week. If you see one in distress on your street, adopt it.
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
Ask yourself: Do I have a dog? If so, ask yourself: Why am I not posting more pictures of this wondrous creature on blue sky? Then immediately start posting more pictures of your dog. I will smash that like button, I promise.
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
Okay folks. In the absence of my eventual guide to alt text for images of text on social media, a reminder: Do not put URLs (aka links to webpages) in alt text. They don't work and they will often get read out letter by letter. Especially do not put a URL in alt text in the place of alt text.
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
Daniel Craig looks like a hacker working for Hans Gruber
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
The odds of the gunman being a right wing wacko and not a left wing wacko just went up *exponentially*, if he’s now getting the Misunderstood Little White Boy treatment by CNN.
The gunman who allegedly tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump was bullied in high school and didn’t fit in with other students, former classmates told CNN. Here's what we know so far.
What we know about the Trump rally gunman so far | The gunman who allegedly tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump was bullied in high school and didn’t fit in with other students, former classmates told CNN on Sunday.
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
I see he’s bored with being an MP already.
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
I saw a butterfly today, a painted lady, I think. And a swift overhead. Neither of those things should be noteworthy, but this year I've seen so few.
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
If you come across it, and this sounds like a joke but isn’t, try to play Tetris within 30 minutes. Something about it works like EMDR and helps the brain process the traumatic input. There are versions for mobile, switch, computer- just about every platform.
Some pretty graphic images of the corpse of the shooter going around social media. Heads up. I've seen a lot of images of death and brutality over the years from following news on war zones but this still made me wince. It's not a pretty sight. Try to avoid it.
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
Red-necked grebe hop-on hop-off tours offered on local pond #birds
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
Montreal's sponge parks, designed in a way to deviate as much rain water as possible away from the sewers, have saved a bunch of areas from flooding due to Beryl's rainfall. So you get really nice parks in a major city, with a bonus against flooding. They're making more of them now and I love it
Montreal sponge parks soak up the After over 100 millimetres of rain pummelled Montreal Wednesday evening, some Montreal streets saw less flooding, and sponge parks played a big part in soaking up the precipitation.
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
ah my cat, my adorable purring cuddly source of comfort in a tumultuous world ow goddammit stop biting me STOP
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
Hey folks. This guy <-- gave these two --> a respiratory infection. I was in Tufts emergency with with Coal and I'm bringing ALL THREE to the vet today. Two of them are insured but I need to front the cash and that's my grocery money. ... care for any jewelry?
Reposted byAvatar Alicia
In another timeline, I believe someone would be being sentenced today. I feel cheated.