
Seems like it should be pretty easy for the Dems to simultaneously affirm Biden’s place at the top of the ticket *and* start getting Harris in front of the camera more ASAP to reinforce her competence & bona fides & send the message that you’re voting for both of them. What am I missing.
Nothing. She should be by his side at every major appearance. I have no clue why she wasn’t standing next to Biden last night.
The answer when you're wondering why parties don't do the obvious thing is usually internecine message board fueds from 2004
*in "the aristocrats!" voice* the democrats!
There'll be a faction around Biden that doesn't want Harris to look like she's capable of replacing him.
That faction can fuck right off, obviously
They absolutely should, yes. Which is why they really don't want Harris in charge of hiring and firing.
For Team Biden, Black women exist to be the public face of problems the team doesn't want Biden tainted with. Team Biden is opposed to giving Kamala Harris responsibilities that make her look good.
I’m all for this in theory but have you watched many of Harris’s public performances?
Can’t remember the last time she had one
This has been my thought for quite a while. Especially since Obama/Biden constantly sold themselves as a dynamic duo, with bestie friendship bracelets & fist-bumps. I get that they don’t want it to look like Harris is actually running the show, but they could’ve sold the “Dream Team” from Day 1.
That the bloody for profit media just can't let go of a story they use to hook viewership. We do not live in an reasonable, information neutral society, we live inside the belly of the stinking media whale
Because the headline would be "Biden Too Weak to Stand Unsupported." The Times and the Post, CNN and Sinclair, have a Narrative, and they're going to stick with it.
It weakens Biden and makes people think Harris should be at the top of the ticket. Kamala would be much more prominent if Biden wasn’t as old as he is or as frail as he is. In sure they planned to massively increase Kamala’s prominence in a second term.
The media would immediately spin it as Harris being prepared to take over/run the admin from behind the scenes