
imho “there are nazis on twitter” shouldn’t make you shame ppl for not abandoning twitter it should make you want to have a long hard think about why a lot of Black and Asian people still prefer twitter over bluesky
i like and use this site but almost every day i do i see wild, unhinged instances of antiblack and anti asian racism and talking about it does exactly nothing so tell me more about the racism on twitter and twitter only
And to your point, I've been on twitter for 13 years, whereas I've been here for like, almost -A- year, and there's been way more bigot nonsense on my feed here than there EVER was on my Twitter feed. (Even though it showed up for me by way of people I follow discussing / fighting it, but still)
Absolutely this. I had curated my way into muting and blocking hateful content and didn't see much of it. I could control my experience much better. Here, I see people immediately whip out death threats in response to minor political misunderstandings every day & nobody acts like it's harassment.
I'm Filipino and Jewish, being told that people are relishing the notion of me being murdered in a death camp because I am guilty by association of ideological impurity was ABSOLUTELY received as racist hate speech on Twitter, that shit was a block and report offense communally. Here? Lol.