
maybe I’ve just lost the plot but biden has like a 40 year history of needlessly kicking his own ass in various goofy new ways then popping out the other side giggling like the caddyshack gopher so I dunno what I’m supposed to do as far as freaking out that he’s up to it yet again
Did you actually watch it? I feel like people who didn’t see it aren’t grasping how bad it was
no and I’m telling you gently that neither did most people
They’re still going to see it
You should watch it, to amuse yourself. I have never seen him be this bad, this is like he was given a sedative instead of stimulant. He legit looked and sounded like he was 100 years old.
I know how tv works if I don’t watch something it’s usually because it is uninteresting to me
I, too am sick of people telling me my thoughts are incorrect because I won't agree with their interpretation of events immediately. I know that's not what you said, it's just a suspicion. I salute your tenacity!
It's entirely possible that he took something for his cold. Medication has a different effect on us old folks. And note that he improved quite a bit as the night wore on. I think he was nervous, for one, and that made his stutter worse & introduced more pauses.
Could definitely tell he was nervous. The first big pause he had, I thought he was going to actually break down. I feel for the guy, I think he’s done a semi ok job as president minus Gaza, and understand that things affect people differently, but we’re going to lose to a criminal fascist.
Even his facial expressions the whole time, just not a good look, no matter what. And people who aren’t clued in participate in elections. They’re going to see the Biden videos and make up their mind if they haven’t already. Performances, sadly, matter.
He was probably on cold meds. His voice was so raspy! They probably gave him couch medicine and that made him sleepy. Add stress and a stutter?
Stutter I’m used to. He was losing his train of thought, he wouldn’t counter any of Trump’s lies, he looked away from Trump & the camera extremely often. Just overall, terrible. I don’t think he completed an entire line of thought without rambling or losing sight of his point. Anyone can do this.
He at one point took a winning issue (abortion rights) and took a wild tangent to immigrants raping and killing people! He is not the answer, no matter the excuse of how well he was feeling. He clearly does not have the juice and needs some rest. He’s going to die in office like Diane Feinstein.
And today he did much better. He's going to be the candidate & he's going to win. There's no one else. No one else has the campaign chest or the people in place, except Harris, and I'm guessing you don't want her.
I do not like Kamala Harris and after last night I would much rather Joe Biden drop out and endorse her as the nominee
And today? One candidate needs to drop out, and that's the felon.