
maybe I’ve just lost the plot but biden has like a 40 year history of needlessly kicking his own ass in various goofy new ways then popping out the other side giggling like the caddyshack gopher so I dunno what I’m supposed to do as far as freaking out that he’s up to it yet again
Did you actually watch it? I feel like people who didn’t see it aren’t grasping how bad it was
no and I’m telling you gently that neither did most people
They’re still going to see it
You should watch it, to amuse yourself. I have never seen him be this bad, this is like he was given a sedative instead of stimulant. He legit looked and sounded like he was 100 years old.
I know how tv works if I don’t watch something it’s usually because it is uninteresting to me
I, too am sick of people telling me my thoughts are incorrect because I won't agree with their interpretation of events immediately. I know that's not what you said, it's just a suspicion. I salute your tenacity!
It's entirely possible that he took something for his cold. Medication has a different effect on us old folks. And note that he improved quite a bit as the night wore on. I think he was nervous, for one, and that made his stutter worse & introduced more pauses.
Could definitely tell he was nervous. The first big pause he had, I thought he was going to actually break down. I feel for the guy, I think he’s done a semi ok job as president minus Gaza, and understand that things affect people differently, but we’re going to lose to a criminal fascist.
He was probably on cold meds. His voice was so raspy! They probably gave him couch medicine and that made him sleepy. Add stress and a stutter?
Stutter I’m used to. He was losing his train of thought, he wouldn’t counter any of Trump’s lies, he looked away from Trump & the camera extremely often. Just overall, terrible. I don’t think he completed an entire line of thought without rambling or losing sight of his point. Anyone can do this.
No, most people aren't interested in politics. They are going to vote for Biden because Trump and his hooligans got in their face and they do not want them there.
And when Trump gets sentenced to a weekend in prison on July 10th, literally everyone will forget the debate.
I sat in lovely weather in the greatest ballpark in America (biased) and watched my beloved Baltimore Orioles beat the piss out of the Texas Rangers on Pride night, instead of polluting my brain with that farce. I wish everyone would do their version of that going forward
I watched the phillies normally untouchable relievers blow a 3 run lead by yanking a cy young frontrunner with two outs in the seventh capped by their two top dudes getting freak soft tissue injuries, and you know what I still love baseball and I regret nothing
almost 300 million americans did not watch the debate
The election will be decided by like, 5000 people spread across four or five states.
yeah, so the campaign's ability to mobilize voters is going to have a lot more impact in the end than this debate
How many of those 5k people do you think watched the debate, and more crucially, changed their vote because of it?
They don't have to change their vote. Biden is already the underdog in this race. I can't believe I'm hearing arguments like this - Trump won in 2016 and Biden barely squeaked through in 2020.
you can’t believe you’re hearing arguments? on the internet? localized in this town at this time of year?
I refuse to believe any of this polling. I think Biden wins easily and nothing will change that except him dying before the election. I think people are exhausted with this whole charade and eager to be done with it. I could be wrong. I KNOW getting mad online about it doesn’t help
If no one changes their vote, Biden wins! We keep acting like 2020 didn't happen! What did Trump do yesterday to change a single vote?
Zero, maybe ten. People aren’t undecided because they’re well informed, now, are they? Don’t believe me? Volunteer for a campaign, they’d love to have you.
The problem is that those clips will go into ads.
I think that's the problem outside of like sports the only people that are gonna see those ads at 60+. And you can say YouTube or whatever but people don't watch those ads.
Outside of sports is kind of a crazy qualifier? They'll target the suburban housewives as well. Before yesterday I thought Biden should be the nominee because he had the best chance at beating Trump. I know longer think that.
That cuts both ways though
If Biden was your parent, you'd have hidden the car keys after last night. It's just really difficult to articulate how bad it was to people who didn't watch. I'll vote for Biden's corpse over Trump, but he should really bow out.
I did, and while I think it was a fuck up, I think a ton of people are *overstating* how bad it was.
Biden wasn’t bad after the first half hour and trump was deranged. Trump admitted to paying ransom; promised to give Russia Ukraine; still doesn’t understand tariffs or NATO; said everyone wanted Roe overturned; bragged about Suleimani, who he let go before killing, almost starting a war; and worse
Lol seriously no one cares about any of that
It was pretty bad but it wasn’t *that* bad
That’s honestly delusional
He was raspy and low energy but he was generally coherent and on topic. This is devastating in a game where having a studio light shone at you the wrong way can lose you a debate, but most of the people freaking out were already primed to do so.
He was not generally coherent! He couldn’t follow an idea for the length of a sentence! He confirmed the media narrative that he’s a doddering old fool who can’t stand up to Trump. People freaking out are right to do so
I think you are projecting your prior assumptions here. I went in expecting his performance to be the disaster everyone was saying it was and it was just…not very good I guess.
Not if you watched the later parts. The first question was awful, the rest was low energy - but the madder he got the better. When he shit talked Trumps golf game that would have been fire if his voice could have carried it.
Right after making fun of his made up 235 pounds, “oh sorry, 215.” I thought Trump would go across the stage and try to strangle him like he did to that Secret Service agent. Maybe they had a shock collar on under his suit. I’m also suffering from a summer cold, so I totally feel him.
Did you watch more than the first 15? Because the first 15 were really bad, then he woke up and it was ok. If he had been as strong at the beginning as he was at the end it would have been "meh". He clearly knew what he was saying and doing the whole time - and he clearly had throat problems.
This is just not true as much as you would like it to be
It is. But it doesn't matter. All that matters is how each person percieved it. And a lot probably tubed it out by the middle. That said my wife and I went from almost abject terror on the first question to laughing at his comments by the end.
It was frightening and exasperating 🫣😳😵‍💫🫠😱