
The extent to which this kind of faux sophistication depends on obsessively remembering campaign talking points and deliberately *misremembering* the granular details of his administration, during which he fucked up everything from disease control to the post office, is underappreciated
In that framing, when Trump says crazy stuff, they dismiss the idea that he's saying what he's saying, and look for something that he's not saying that it's plausible some more normal candidate would say instead, and then back-fill that as what they heard instead
Half his cabinet says he’s unfit to serve and a danger to the nation! That’s essentially never happened with even one member of a President’s cabinet. It should be a 50 part series of front page exposes.
The fact that his family have deliberately distanced themselves from his campaign—and I'm talking about the ones who were intimately involved in his administration, not the ones who distanced themselves the first time around—seems like it would be a bigger deal for any other ex-president!
He's gonna be looking for an important position for Barron this time around.
Does he turn 18 soon? Because JFC that is absolutely going to happen.
20 March if Wikipedia is to be believed.
Right. Like Trump almost started global conflict with Iran because he did a drone strike on the most popular man in their country with all the effort of a McDonalds drive through order and his entire admin was ringing alarm bells about how dangerous things were getting, and the NYT forgets it.
Misremembering and obscuring, because all you have to do is show/report on one clip of him actually talking and regular people can clock that he has no idea what he’s talking about most of the time - just a constant stream of consciousness dump of whatever thoughts pass through his head.
look i'm just really concerned about her email server
Plenty of people thought so in 2020 as well
I mean we might win the election, but just as a nation
They were also correct then.
I can't believe Louis Dejoy is still postmaster general