X (Xen/Cole McCade)🏳️‍⚧️He/Him🏳️‍🌈

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X (Xen/Cole McCade)🏳️‍⚧️He/Him🏳️‍🌈


The dead make better companions.
Queer romance author + artist.
IndigiBlAsian POC.
Call me X.
Level 44 Xennial himbo.
Bone witch of the woods.
FFXIV Mateus.
AuDHD🏳️‍⚧️demigray disaster bi.
🔞Minors DNI.
(hi, not dead, not okay but I will be, problem with access to my anti-inflammatories that keep me functional but is getting sorted + dead laptop, do not have the spoons for anything else and sorry if anyone thought I was ignoring them, my tank is on zero--back when I can be)
it has not even been a MONTH since "Freydis Moon is actually Brooklyn Ray brownfishing FOR THE SECOND TIME," can we not get a MINUTE of daylight between that and "James Somerton faked his own suicide then posted balls and hole on his alt the same day"
Happy Lesbian Visibility Week to all the lesbians out there.
I was going to say every time I try to move my body gets all "fuck you, I'm a dragon" but honestly that would be worth the pain if I were currently transmuting into a dragon vs. what I actually am: a sack of angry bones that don't want to work properly anymore
I saw a post on FB that said "Queer kids need stories about happy queer adults." Yes, absolutely. But they also need stories of angry queer adults whose rage and disdain for the world as it is fuel them to tear apart systems of oppression, even if they never get to become one of the happy ones.
oh my god I am losing my everloving shite mab got her squeaky stuffed little bitty skunk toy stuck to her paw by one claw and she's trying to shake it off squeak squeak SQUEAK and I need to grab my phone and video but I'm laughing so hard and I don't want y'all to hear me wheezing until *I* squeak
why do I keep giving M. Night Shyamalan any trust any trust at all
SALE! SALE! SALE! For the rest of #IndieApril, grab the ebook copy of my latest story collection for only $.99!!! Generous selection of fairy tale, folklore, and ghost-inspired fantasy and horror stories all with an original illustration by me! #art #book #horror #sff books2read.com/ABrokenThing
Me: I need to get up, but it hurts too much to move. Friend: Pretend the zombies are coming and if you don't get up, they'll eat you. Me: I'm up. Friend: Wow, that worked? Me: No, but it made me smile through the suckage.
Me: *thinking about a nap before work because fatigue* My Brain: or My Brain: what if My Brain: we concocted a dissertation on how Black Box could have been an amazing, emotional slow build Black-led horror-drama but it fucked itself with amateur-level cinematography and editing + bad tech knowledge
I think about this a lot. If I was "good at people" I wouldn't have been locked in a room for 100,000 words with only a dog for a year. Trying to be a people person online without knowing much of anything about socializing was such a bad fit. I have many regrets. Heh.
No one told me social media was a skill. And I just sucked at it. I've evolved, become a less reactionary person. I try to learn, but. I was and am not a natural. 😆
Fuck a buncha Impostor Syndrome. It exists solely as a tool of oppression, of marginalization. It’s designed to make us doubt our worth & gifts, to Other us, to distract us so we don’t rightfully question: what are these spaces? how do they harm? why am I supposed to want them? who keeps the gates?
when militarized police are arresting peaceful protesters that's one of The Signs
Police are moving to arrest those within the encampment on the university of Minnesota campus now.
You are fantastic. You are an unexpected pizza. You are a series finale that doesn't disappoint. You are a fierce goddess in a jagged wood. You are a seed germinating in wildfire. You are a parade of a thousand Pikachus.
Mad Scientist building a Protocol Droid to transfer my consciousness into for eternal life
my 5-character theory of all possible stories: Thembo Rogue BearDog Biped Protocol Droid Mad Scientist Main Character Syndrome
Darlings, write that book. Ignore the 'not selling' rhetoric. Write the book. Write your fix-up novels or your trashy book or your serious historical epic or your barely-disguised autobiography or your pew-pew SF. The people who love books depend on you. Do not fail them.
We are now on Pain, Why Day 2: Hunched-Over Walk Boogaloo, and I still have to work because [descends into unintelligible cursing and very unkind things said about a person that he actually will not say in public]
wait what day is it ... oh no, really? are you sure? fuck.
Not only does it take 22 hours for signals to to get there, but it has a data transfer rate of just 14.4 kilobytes/second. Voyager I’s computational specs are dwarfed in almost every way, by the mobile phone in your hand. But it’s unimaginably far away, and it still works.
Just incredible news on reviving Voyager I. Think of it: a computer chip 15 billion(!) miles away is broken. The solution is to repackage & move key software, w/ code sent via radio signal that takes 22+ hrs to reach that little 46yr old machine. AND IT IS WORKING. blogs.nasa.gov/voyager/2024...
NASA’s Voyager 1 Resumes Sending Engineering Updates to Earth – Voyagerblogs.nasa.gov
over and above the usual "embodiment was a mistake", I really do think that the human pelvis is the Cybertruck of skeletal design
This picture isn't from a dystopian movie. It's from real life. This is REALLY not good.
New York libraries lack the funding to stay open on weekends, but there's endless city $ available to pay for NYPD overtime to make everything worse