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I do internet stuff for a living. I like my video games and doing crafts to relax.

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Today marks the 10-year anniversary of the release of my last album, Mandatory Fun. So to celebrate, this Friday I’ll be releasing a NEW SINGLE AND VIDEO!!!
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kobayashi maru let's play
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I know the latest NZ election outcome was less than good, but jesus.
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My #LifeGoal: being that person I just saw with 3 Goldens in their car. Must be the best roadtrip ever.
I... will never forget this night for the rest of my life. I'm in a suburb. With MUCH light polution!
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Eclipse Path Maps
Seriously, why do so many dog toys look like sex toys? 😅
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Reposted byAvatar ThyGoddess
I see lots of people calling this Baltimore disaster a proof of bad infrastructure and all, a little hit bringing it down... People, did you see the size of that ship?! It is HUGE. The Dali is 1000 feet long, full of containers!
Well, first huge news on Bluesky. Gotta say, it does a fine twitter 2.0 job. It is horrifying to see such a huge bridge go down... wonder if the people on the ship are OK too. I mean, a bridge just fell near them.
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Every once in a while I check in on Twitter/X and it’s like walking into some kind of white supremacist street gang fraternity house and finding a bunch of my friends and colleagues hanging out in a corner talking about grant applications while passersby are getting assaulted across the room
So I wonder, is there a way to remove "Account muted" messages? I don't even wanna see them.
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Truly greatest of all time. Gone too soon.
I'm gonna be real honest here, I prefer mastodon.
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tried drawing a dragon from memory
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I’m CONSTANTLY going crazy trying to get around more sperm, I’ll wander into a Home Depot just to get within ten yards of a nutsack, I’ll go to a local intramural soccer game and rush the field, idgaf
Paragraph 4 here is a doozy.
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Hey y'all! Money's a little tight this month, so I'm opening up music commissions! Peep the graphic for details! I can make nearly any genre (including hip hop beats if that's what you're after), but know that EDM is my strength. :D Examples found at
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Jupiter’s northern filamentary region on December 30th as the Juno spacecraft approaches the north pole for Perijove 57. NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Kevin M. Gill
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Amazing new images of the moon Io have come down from the Juno spacecraft! This one shows the volcanic moon of Jupiter from only 2,800 kilometers away, which is the closest look we’ve gotten of Io since over 20 years ago. Check out all those volcanoes!!!! NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Kevin M. Gill
Why the heck are there posts I didn't ask for in my home feed?
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Seriously the word "dog treats" should be a little more prominent.
The other day I was at my mom's (lives below us) and my blood sugar was low so I grabbed a Christmas tree cookie with green sprinkles. I thought it tasted weird but whatever. Tonight, I went to grab a couple to put out for Santa. They are not cookies. They are dog treats.
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REMINDER: Sex workers aren't allowed on substack, but Nazis are.
NEW: Substack founders finally respond to Substackers Against Nazis. They say Nazis publishing and earning money on their platform is fine with them. Their full statement here:
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Today's 2-hour speedpainting, completed on
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The Hasbro/Wizards thing has me thinking more. That the firings make more sense in light of what we learned during the OGL 1.1 event earlier this year. They want to move to a predominantly closed, subscription based digital model. That model can run fine on temp staff, especially young staff. 1/4