Rachel Klein

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Rachel Klein


The great thing about pushing the first presidential debate up to early summer is that we’re all going insane months earlier than we otherwise would have. Feels great.
Look I'm not going to name names because it's been a trying couple of weeks but I fear some generally decent people are tiptoeing toward the Poster's Madness.
Leftists…don’t do this.
Being “in the middle”, for ME, means being fully aware that there is a real issue w/Biden’s fitness AND being frustrated by the sudden breathless coverage of it above all else (& maybe most importantly, knowing I PERSONALLY have no power in this situation other than casting my vote in Nov).
Whichever side of that divide you're on, you're approaching everything about the question of whether Biden should quit from premises that are entirely incompatible with those on the other side. (Certainly there are people in the middle, but let's set them aside for now.)
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Klein
(noah fishing god's instructions out of the garbage to double check after loading one of every animal onto the ark) FUCK
It’s not a “public service” just to freak people out 24/7 rather than report on salient information that might result in a meaningful change in strategy that would affect actual voters, but they know that, don’t they…
Especially given that Biden was an erratic speaker in his prime—the question is how far off his cognitive baseline Biden is now, and if you're gonna push out a news alert every time he misspeaks and immediately corrects himself, you're just making it harder for the public to figure it out!
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Klein
My Bluesky timeline discussing whether Biden should drop out.
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Klein
yes, we boiled the planet, but it was worth it to make a machine that, instead of adding two plus two, takes the statistical average of every answer to questions containing "what" "is" "two" and "plus" from a database of illegal cell phone transcripts and returns a fake nude pic of a high schooler
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Klein
The discourse around biden needing more sleep is fully insane. Does no one remember "Executive Time," the thing Trump spent the majority(!) of his schedule on where he would just watch TV and tweet? Dude was categorically unable to fulfill any of the demands of the office and the press barely cared
The character I relate to most in the entire MCU is the guy in the car that Thor saves when it’s falling out of the sky from floating Sokovia in Age of Ultron who opens the door once the car is back “on land” and IMMEDIATELY starts puking.
Watching hotel tv and feeling like the ad format where two people are simulating recording a podcast has gone from a few commercials here & there to an entire ubiquitous genre.
me putting on a flannel and baggy jeans to go out on a date with my husband
Humph! in my poor, insignificant opinion, I regard this as queer.
I have flown literally across the entire country, from one ocean’s coast to the other, in order to partake of a food that is maddeningly impossible to procure anywhere else in America. I am speaking, of course, of the California donut shop donut.
Losing my mind at this man *squints at screen* reporting a podcast to the manager???
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
me to the nurse at the infusion center: I know my veins look good, but they roll like crazy so just trust me, if you go for one & you don’t get it on the first try, it’s not going to happen nurse: ok! *sticks me* *doesn’t get vein* ooh sometimes they run away, one second, I’ll get it… me: 😐
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Klein
the conservative theory of law in one headline
It’s not a great sign that my brain’s self-preservation system has pivoted to “ok let’s be realistic about how bad a fascist autocracy will actually be for YOU, specifically…”
“The word ‘climate has two A’s…” -Google AI
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI.
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Klein
setting up the garden hose at the party so my gen x friends feel comfortable
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Klein
I have never been more convinced that Biden needs to do a sit down interview with Jiminy Glick
my mom driving me 5 miles north to take a dance class in the waspy neighborhood with the artisan cheese shop
Sorry, was paying hush money to a porn star part of his “core duties” as President…before he was President? Asking for a democracy!
Breaking News: Manhattan prosecutors agreed to delay Donald Trump’s criminal sentencing to weigh whether the Supreme Court's decision on presidential immunity should void his felony conviction for covering up hush money paid to a porn star.
Manhattan Prosecutors Agree to Delay Trump’s Sentencingwww.nytimes.com Donald J. Trump’s lawyers want to argue that a Supreme Court decision giving presidents immunity for official acts should void his felony conviction for covering up hush money paid to a porn star.
Us in the 90’s: The Internet is going to revolutionize how humans access & interpret information, making individuals & communities better informed & empowered to make decisions that impact the world for good. Us in 2024: Maria from the Sound of Music had adhd.
I’m aware that not everyone is BOTHERED by motion smoothing, & I was prepared to accept that some people even PREFER it for some reason, but my husband has recently informed me that some people DON’T EVEN NOTICE THE DIFFERENCE???!?!?????
Reposted byAvatar Rachel Klein
To be clear, this is how concentration camps started more than a century ago.
Saying NOTHING about the debate, I think it’s very hard humans—even a journalist w/lots of “access”, which probably makes their biases WORSE not better—to accept the lack of PERSONAL power to affect the outcome of a contest involving millions of people that is won SO consistently on the margins.
me when I respond “you too” when the gate attendant says “have a good flight”
Do you think the archangel Gabriel thinks anything the less of me
So what I’m hearing is it’s going well.
My husband is a hero and an ally for sitting at the table and watching me eat my pride cake even though he hates dessert (but loves his bisexual wife)
This is my town. When my kids were in school there was a measles outbreak one year. Highly-educated population that apparently thinks they are too special to have to vaccinate their fucking kids.
#Brookline urges #pertussis shots after 15 cases of whooping cough diagnosed in local public-school students www.universalhub.com/2024/brookli... #Massachusetts #PublicHealth