Tim Carvell

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Tim Carvell


Executive Producer, Last Week Tonight. Friend to nearly all the animals.
Oh that’s awesome! I hope Kim and Prue and Tanya could also make it for a true reunion.
All else aside, Trump cares about casting and it feels notable that in 2016 he went with a staid governor who could be sold as “the adult in the room” and this time around he seems to have decided that nobody who’d vote for him wants that.
I have a stack of postcards to remind swing state voters to vote and I can fill out one in about 3 minutes and I’m doing more of that in lieu of doomscrolling these days, and I don’t know if it will make any difference but it definitely makes me feel less hopeless every time I do it.
I was thrown by Adlai Stevenson as William Jennings Bryan’s running mate so I had to look it up, and discovered not just that the 1950s politician was Adlai II, but also Bryan’s excellent cause of death.
(I do realize that in saying this I’m stating something that’s already obvious to anyone but the world’s most credulous child or the editors of every “inside Washington” website.)
The Vance pick is a decent reminder that any supposed “pivot to unity” is going to come up hard against the fact the party has not selected for that for decades and it can’t remake itself to do so over the course of a single weekend.
The Vance pick is a decent reminder that any supposed “pivot to unity” is going to come up hard against the fact the party has not selected for that for decades and it can’t remake itself to do so over the course of a single weekend.
It's a total stopped-clock thing but I DO enjoy the man's relentless commitment to finding new ways to publicly humiliate Marco Rubio.
NEW: Marco Rubio has been informed that he is NOT Trump’s VP pick, two sources tell Politico
So much of this was carried by the VO, and I wondered if it was Don LaFontaine, and that led me to this perfect time capsule from 1996. www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Bne...
Film 96 - Don LaFontainewww.youtube.com Tom Brook talks to the king of the voiceovers. Broadcast 14th October 1996
Reposted byAvatar Tim Carvell
A lot of progressive accounts are spreading this claim and it is not true. I have verified the FEC records myself. They match the alleged gunman's street address.
Had the briefest of moments after the shooter’s name came out where I thought, “I should look up what I can find out about this person” before remembering that any search for that name will return nothing but garbage right now. A day where “doing your own research” will only make you wronger.
I know it’s about actor availability but the most inadvertently accurate part of “Evil” is how there’s routinely a new priest overseeing the team and the old priest is gone for good and nobody even questions it.
I’m not saying Pixar SHOULD do it but I’m saying they’ve set up all the pieces so that “Inside Out 3” COULD involve the Deep Dark Secret leading the emotions on a journey to a hiding place with orbs containing suppressed memories of murders and the body of Remorse.
I’m not saying Pixar SHOULD do it but I’m saying they’ve set up all the pieces so that “Inside Out 3” COULD involve the Deep Dark Secret leading the emotions on a journey to a hiding place with orbs containing suppressed memories of murders and the body of Remorse.
Ha. Thank you for watching them! Those early seasons were… learning years.
Yeah, I can’t speak to that podcast because I didn’t listen to it after seeing some of the reviews, but I will say, something I appreciate as a rare luxury at our show is having the resources and ability to look into something and then go, “Let’s actually not force a story here, we can drop it.”
When I was a little kid I was a huge fan of his for Reasons That Became Clear Later and once called a radio station where he was making an appearance and they were nice enough to make him come say a very quick hello to me, and I now realize requests like that were his life times 1,000 for YEARS.
Fox News is going to have to break out all their best and fanciest circumlocutions to cover the RNC speaking appearance of the guy they fired and then pretended never existed at all.
Reposted byAvatar Tim Carvell
The key difference between someone with whom you disagree being an asshole to you and someone whose side you're on being an asshole to you is that you should block them both immediately.
Yeah, lists are fraught for all sorts of reasons, from ranking, to the question of whether you should thumb the scale toward only having one work per artist. (I get the argument of "the best books are the best books" but it feels limiting to have multiple authors with 3 books apiece on that list.)
I actually appreciated that the list had nonfiction and genre on it, though it was still tilted toward literary fiction. I got to 20, but there were definitely books I trudged through out of a sense of homework. (And others I didn’t finish or never read where I remember the NYT pushing them hard.)
There were some that were so culturally ubiquitous— like “The Corrections” — that I just didn’t care for and seeing them on the list triggered a strong reaction of whatever the book equivalent is of, “THIS asshole again.”
Presser delayed while White House aides furiously google “how long does the ‘Limitless’ pill take to work?”
I’m not saying what should or shouldn’t happen here, I’m just saying the funniest possible outcome is if the Clooney op-ed is the deciding factor.
(Obviously the funniest and most chaotic solution would be to change your alarm to the Wilhelm scream.)
I’m not saying it’s the ideal answer but have you considered changing your alarm noises to ones that no one on TV would ever use? Just a loud foghorn aOOOgah for every text and email?
Oh god, "Anansi Boys" is going to be in the top 40, isn't it?
“Let’s get away from grim stuff and just have fun this summer! We’ll rank the top 100 books of the decade! We’ll release 20 a day!” “Great!” (two month later) “Hey, just checking… do we have any Alice Munro on that list?” “Yes! At number 53! The one about the unhappy marriage! Why?” “No reason.”
“Let’s get away from grim stuff and just have fun this summer! We’ll rank the top 100 books of the decade! We’ll release 20 a day!” “Great!” (two month later) “Hey, just checking… do we have any Alice Munro on that list?” “Yes! At number 53! The one about the unhappy marriage! Why?” “No reason.”
Sorry, wait, the doctor everyone was obsessing over but which turns out to have maybe been a false lead is named Cannard? I’m sorry, that’s just lazy scriptwriting.
The WH released a letter late last night explaining the NYT’s “Parkinson’s expert” Dr. Cannard is the medical unit’s general neurology consultant, and that he’s the neurologist who examined President Biden for his annual physicals. www.washingtonpost.com/documents/ba...
Yeah. As with your friend’s ex it’s been a process of realizing, it’s not that this person changed, it’s that they just reached their final form. Turns out, the same sort of operatic contrarianism I found charming in my 20s puts you on a trajectory to panels with Bari Weiss.