Doc Cross, Madman For Hire

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Doc Cross, Madman For Hire

Old and Bold
Husband to Grace
Dad to Yoyo & Duke
El tiempo no espera a nadie, excepto a mí.
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He's bad, stupid, a narcissist, and a sociopath, too.
The thing about “orange man bad” is like, yeah, the orange man is bad
And if you need some context here: California is the 5th largest economy in the world. Its electrical grid seems to be on a very short path to being 100% renewable. If they can do it—adding grid stability also!—others can too. If you're a climate doomer, let this brighten your sky today, just a bit
This news is incredible. 100 days this year CA's used 100% renewables to power the entire grid, & through a heat wave, there's been no significant disruption (cough *Texas*). Energy analysts are seeing a "phase-change" of the grid with the addition of 5 nuclear plants worth of battery storage, wow
To review: A White man who was a member of the Republican party (and a US citizen) shot at the Republican presidential candidate with an AR-15 that was legally purchased due to Republican policies. 🎁 link:
Not a single one of these Nazi motherfuckers is invulnerable. People need to act accordingly.
For the second weekend in a row, a white supremacist group carrying Nazi flags took to the streets of downtown Nashville. This time, WPLN's Paige Pfleger reports it was members of the Goyim Defense League, a network of "antisemites and white supremacists."
For a second weekend, white supremacists gather in downtown For the second weekend in a row, a white supremacist group carrying Nazi flags took to the streets of downtown Nashville. More: Tennessee’s governor
They call it the good book because it’s not great
Another cowardly cop? I'm surprised!!! Of course, it was broad daylight, the perp was white, the perp actually had a gun, and the cop was alone.
I am sorry. I guess I shouldn't laugh, but 'Uvalde much, officer?'
In this age of big money and lobbyists, it is so rare for an ordinary person to get the ear of a politician.
(Reuters) -The FBI has identified 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks as the "subject involved" in the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump, it said in a statement.. Crooks, who was from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, was a registered Republican, according to the state's voter records.
Boy, if I were running tourism comms for an adjoining state with abortion rights, I'd be tempted to run a campaign about my state not being run by Christo-fascists.
I am going to hazard a thought here and say its probably actually Trump himself and his push for Project 2025. With 2025 they devalue the lives of so many people... Lastly, america is pissed at trump. That is why they wanted to shoot him
It wasn't an assassination attempt. It was just a Second Amendment enthusiast. If the intent was assassination they would have used something dangerous, like a milkshake or sidewalk chalk.
We’re going to see US politicians put out more statements about Trump getting chipped by a piece of glass than 200,000 Palestinians being massacred.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Biden can be bullied into being more progressive, and I appreciate that. This is probably the most progressive platform we’ve seen from an incumbent president.
Someone just texted me this, and it is GOLD
#TTRPG We have our second turn winner! ‪Kobold Curry Chef‬ ‪ Left, because I know there's a gap in the wooden fence down that alley. You dart left just as a bullet ricochets off the wall two feet above you. Pouring on the speed, you leap through the hole into a park. Into the woods or not?
#TTRPG We have our first turn winner! You are a dog. You escaped from a government lab an hour ago. The humans want to put you back, but fuck that. But you're also being chased by mob guys because the sausages you grabbed from Big Tony G's hands are "special." So, left or right up ahead? And why?
A string of sausages because I’m a dog.
#TTRPG folks/anyone interested, let's play a game. Genre/etc. to be decided as things progress. You are running like hell through a city, with local law enforcement hot on your tail. You are about 80% sure you have a means of escape close by. What the hell did you steal? Best answer wins round 1.
If you think Trump is going to double his 2020 black vote share, after accomplishing nothing in 4 years except being criminally prosecuted, I've got a bridge to sell you
Fuck Shopify.
Wow. Whole lot of people use shopify. And it's run by these people. Not great that so many non ghouls have to use the platform that enriches ghouls.
Jesus Fucking Christ in drag! I hope my home county sends this fucking Klanboy packing.
“For some reason, the African American culture has influenced most of the student body. How? In African Americans, they have a gene for the pimp walk, which is dominant,” the question began.”
Sacramento Science Teacher Suspended For Asking This Racist Question on Biology Teacher Alex Nguyen has been a teacher at Luther Burbank for at least a decade.
Wow this targeted-to-Black-people 45 ad on a Philly oldies station is insane! Things like "you'll never buy a house now," "biden made high interest rates," and they even have the nerve to call people "illegals." The devil is busy.