Tim Fernholz

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Tim Fernholz


journalist, author, internet participant


Reposted byAvatar Tim Fernholz
Reposted byAvatar Tim Fernholz
Like the whole flow of the convention is supposed to be all the other people getting the crowd worked up day after day for the big payoff of the candidate actually showing up and speaking, maybe after a couple of teaser appearances at curtain time on the earlier nights
Wait, it's abnormal for the nominee to be sitting around watching every night of their own convention, right, it's like a time-reversed version of the dude who graduated last year hanging around the high school parking lot
Reposted byAvatar Tim Fernholz
happy FOIA friday to all who celebrate
I did some back of the envelope math: it will take a minimum of 19 launches to get Starship ready for its NASA HLS contract—curious what others think. t.co/aQiFMgeLCd
A Dear John for dearMoont.co Yusaku Maezawa has given up on his plan to orbit the Moon with a crew of creatives in SpaceX’s Starship.
A scoop from me this am: Space Force confirmed that it hired commercial satellites to track and image a Chinese space launch. This doesn't sit well with intel agencies, and may be the first time the US acknowledged inspecting a rival satellite t.co/rtGHWvU2l5
A Controversial Pilot Program is Expanding the Military’s Use of Commercial Spacet.co A Defense Department pilot program hired private satellite operators last month to provide intelligence directly to battlefield commanders.
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The COVID pandemic policy response has finally broken the trend of ever-higher student loan balances. 14% decline in owned & securitized student loans since their inflation-adjusted peak in Q2 '20, and balances are the lowest share of aggregate disposable income since 2012.
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Planets tonight queen? 👀
Reposted byAvatar Tim Fernholz
Texts between Keith Davidson, the lawyer who did the hush money deals, and Dylan Howard, the top editor at the National Enquirer, as they’re realizing Trump won the 2016 election.
can't decide if selling a life insurance policy on yourself in your senescence is an incredibly grift on you or the insurance company www.bloomberg.com/opinion/arti...
Apollo Had Some Death Betswww.bloomberg.com STOLI, Delta One, CZ’s sentencing and Chumbawumba at McKinsey.
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Reposted byAvatar Tim Fernholz
Reposted byAvatar Tim Fernholz
For years, the right wing justices have seen many things—union organizing, environmental regulations, voting rights—as harbingers of tyranny. But a legal theory that would lead to actual tyranny didn’t sound so bad to them. www.theatlantic.com/politics/arc...
FOIA FRIDAY Earlier this month, NASA signed a deal to send two Japanese astronauts on the Moon in exchange for JAXA developing a pressurized Moon rover. But NASA refused to release the text of the agreement. (1/3) t.co/LveLARxiLS
Japanese PM Inks Deal to Join Artemis Moon Returnt.co Two Japanese astronauts will travel to the Moon as part of NASA’s Artemis program, potentially becoming the first non-Americans to set foot on the lunar surface.
NASA officials wouldn't give a reason why they withheld the text, so I FOIA'd it. You can read it here: payloadspace.com/wp-content/u... (2/3)
There's not a ton of news in the document, but government agencies shouldn't withhold information from taxpayers. NASA officials noted that the Japanese government posted the agreement online. Why shouldn't the American public receive the same courtesy? (3/3)
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2020: Of course Trump won't try to stay in office! Only a pink hat lib with Trump Derangement Syndrome could think that! 2024: Obviously a president would want to stay in office past his term, why are you being weird about it
felt like this platform needed to see a picture of a chunk of ISS garbage that hit a home in Naples FL. That is all.
Reposted byAvatar Tim Fernholz
Reposted byAvatar Tim Fernholz
Bad budget news: The National Science Foundation (NSF) is the biggest loser, with lawmakers imposing an 8.3% cut to $9.06 billion, some $820 million below 2023. 🧪 www.science.org/content/arti...
Final U.S. spending bills offer gloomy outlook for sciencewww.science.org Key research funding agencies get sizable cuts or flat budgets
here's a fascinating post about why it's so hard to build new airports www.construction-physics.com/p/why-is-it-...
The Israeli Porcupine Expert Who Wrote the Ethics Code for Space www.haaretz.com/science-and-...