
If you don't do this sort of hype it becomes a race between a convicted felon who lost reelection and an incumbent, which is boring
Honestly this is surreal I thought it was pretty bad all around but CNN and MSNBC both openly talking about replacing the Democratic candidate and not at all talking about Trump, man
Yeah, I didn't watch the fucking thing. I'm just watching the takes roll in, and I basically feel fine. People need to get a grip.
Ha remember the first debate in 2012? We thought the sky was falling. None of this means anything.
Nahhhh… you need to watch the debate. A rubicon was very much crossed. All the die-hard libs in my family who would have been super annoyed by any questioning of Biden’s fitness are all texting us that he has to drop out. It is quite literally Joever
I absolutely do NOT need to watch the debate, and neither did you. It's entirely pointless as it always is. People saying that shit should be ashamed.
The older I get the more I hate doomers with a passion. Everybody go outside. Take a walk. Get a grip.
Going outside, taking a walk, getting a grip -- all great advice for how to steel yourself for what comes next. I'm not a doomer -- if you want to avoid the Doomers all winding up being right, now is a good time to consider how we can help change course.
I wish I had such a deep hole to put my head in all ready to go, this was smart prep on your part! Debates are hugely consequential, they are one of the few things that definitely matter quite a lot