
If you don't do this sort of hype it becomes a race between a convicted felon who lost reelection and an incumbent, which is boring
Honestly this is surreal I thought it was pretty bad all around but CNN and MSNBC both openly talking about replacing the Democratic candidate and not at all talking about Trump, man
Yeah, I didn't watch the fucking thing. I'm just watching the takes roll in, and I basically feel fine. People need to get a grip.
Ha remember the first debate in 2012? We thought the sky was falling. None of this means anything.
And it’s *June*. No one will remember this by November.
I think you guys are really coping here. Nobody will ever forget this, in fact
Oh, I won't forget this because I'm bookmarking it, just like every other doomer post I see tonight lol. We'll see.
I hope by "a Rubicon" they mean that Biden will enter DC with his loyal men, defy the Senate and seize absolute power. Would be based, tbh.
You have no idea the things I am capable of forgetting
Worse they are coping because they think this is a one off.
Nahhhh… you need to watch the debate. A rubicon was very much crossed. All the die-hard libs in my family who would have been super annoyed by any questioning of Biden’s fitness are all texting us that he has to drop out. It is quite literally Joever
I absolutely do NOT need to watch the debate, and neither did you. It's entirely pointless as it always is. People saying that shit should be ashamed.
The older I get the more I hate doomers with a passion. Everybody go outside. Take a walk. Get a grip.
Going outside, taking a walk, getting a grip -- all great advice for how to steel yourself for what comes next. I'm not a doomer -- if you want to avoid the Doomers all winding up being right, now is a good time to consider how we can help change course.
I wish I had such a deep hole to put my head in all ready to go, this was smart prep on your part! Debates are hugely consequential, they are one of the few things that definitely matter quite a lot
It's so cute that people still act like this is going to be an election about anything other than abortion
If I had watched an amendment protecting abortion pass by 14 points in Ohio, say, I would simply not get on national television and claim everyone wanted Roe gone and you should thank me for killing it, but I'm not a former president.
I hope everyone in Pennsylvania is braced to see that clip about nine thousand times a day for five months
That is going to be *seared* into peoples' minds Event Horizon style
oh, i imagine it'll be interspersed with whatever insane shit he said about J6 and Ukraine as well. trump may have come out looking more energized, but he more energetically produced a slew of completely insane ten second bits to choose from.
I live in West Virginia, don't have cable television, and I'm still those ads regularly on streaming platforms.
it is not what i would have said if i were trump watching how abortion bills and abortion-centric special elections have gone in the past year
he’s literally running on “abortions for some, miniature American flags for others” 💀
It could have been one about inflation but I suspect that's going to wither at the last moment like lockdowns withered in 2022
US Election, 2300: the race is between Evil McPsychopath, who favours pouring lava on babies' faces, and Steve Genericwood, who favours a 1% corporate tax rise. Votes exactly 50:50 except for 1 dude named Mike in Wisconsylvanizona who decides based on whether he stubs his toe on the way to the booth
Worse, it'll be exactly 53 Steve 47 Evil, but the Electoral College favors Evil
Dark Brandon has the mandate of heaven
The problem is that most voters don’t understand inflation is a rate of change. They see that prices are still elevated (though leveled off) and conclude inflation is still a problem. That’s a big difference from lockdowns.
This is true, but if the headlines aren't there it won't stay salient
I feel like the fundamental question of this election is "will the anti-Dobbs backlash be strong enough to overcome D structural disadvantages and inflation caterwauling" and that's not really a thing a June debate will affect one way or another
Honestly I hope it is, Trump is hammering a drum that has blown up other republicans already.
yeah to be clear i think it's pretty bad
Those horses ain't gonna race themselves.
Trump is a terribly flawed candidate. But at this stage it's too late to replace him.
Did you watch Biden tonight?
Good GOD, what would I give for a boring election.