Tina Makereti

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Tina Makereti


Writer: www.tinamakereti.com
Teacher: https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/modernletters
Reposted byAvatar Tina Makereti
“Our bodies are made of water, and all water is connected, so we are all connected”, a tense read, dealing with vulnerable people facing multiple threats – The Mires by @tinamakereti.bsky.social. My review: tinyurl.com/5n7sdxzw #YeahNoir #CliFi #AotearoaBooks #NZBooks
Reposted byAvatar Tina Makereti
QED and UniQ are organising protest action in response to the transphobic event scheduled on Tues 9th July at VUW's Pipitea Campus. Details below.
Reposted byAvatar Tina Makereti
A widely predicted victory for the far right in France has instead turned into a victory for the left *because people turned out in record numbers to vote.* Defeat is not inevitable and more progressive elected officials means more progressive policies.
In France, the left coalition comes in first, Macron second, the far-right third. The best way to defeat fascism is not centrism, it’s a strong left.
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Reposted byAvatar Tina Makereti
Can I just point out that the accelerating pollution of the information commons makes the few remaining human-curated projects like Wikipedia even more valuable, and that’s why I relentlessly encourage people to double down on improving it.
Depressing that the entire promise of the internet was once that we would have all the world's information at our fingertips, and genAI has, in a very short space of time, completely nullified that idea.
Reposted byAvatar Tina Makereti
Pōneke, come and get your first glimpse of The Mires, the exciting new novel by our colleague and MA workshop convenor Tina Makereti! Tina will be in conversation with Ingrid Horrocks at Unity Books on 10 July, 1230.
Reposted byAvatar Tina Makereti
Inspiring to see aid support still reaching Gaza from NZ. FIANZ met targets for providing mattresses, blankets, and milk, now delivering a round of food parcels and closing in on that goal too. Efforts ongoing. Every donation goes directly to Gaza. Together, we’re making a big difference.
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There's no doubt quiet deaths have happened/will happen because of cuts to our disability, COVID, and anti-terrorism infrastructure. Destiny are ramping up their hate rhetoric towards trans people and the police/govt are *shrug*
When someone inevitably dies in a dramatic fashion as a result of all of this government's infrastructure cuts/deinvestment, it's gonna be quite a different vibe on the NZ internets.
Reposted byAvatar Tina Makereti
Shame nobody previously made any kind of deal to replace the aging ferry fleet, or we could have some confidence that this sort of thing won’t happen again. If it turned out a deal was made but later rejected and that NZ’s shipping & transport are at threat, that’d be a problem for the government
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Our new right-to-far-right government axed a huge contract for new/improved ferries between New Zealand's two main islands, because it doesn't believe in public transport. Nek minnit...
Reposted byAvatar Tina Makereti
‘I just loved the way that Tina and Hinemoana taught. It was very much: “You do you. You say what you want to say, how you want to say it.”’Apply for the Māori & Pasifika Writing Workshop (now taught by Victor Rodger & Ruby Solly) by 20 June! x.com/etangata/sta... e-tangata.co.nz/arts/debbie-...
Debbie Broughton: Whakapapa is everything | E-Tangatae-tangata.co.nz “Some people in cities have historical amnesia. They forget that Māori didn’t just move to cities after they were built. We were here before their cities. We were pushed out. Our homes became their ci...
Reposted byAvatar Tina Makereti
Mōrena! Is it time to work on your poetry, short fiction, writing for theatre or world building skills with like-minded writers? Come and join a writing workshop with our amazing teachers in the second half of this year! Applications due 20 June, details here.
Undergraduate study | Te Pūtahi Tuhi Auaha o Te Ao / International Institute of Modern Letters | Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellingtonwww.wgtn.ac.nz Take part in stimulating creative writing workshops in a range of genres, that can be counted towards an undergraduate degree or taken independently.
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The government wants to allow Waikoropupu Springs to become contaminated.
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Reposted byAvatar Tina Makereti
📢NEW from me: Edinburgh has banned ads for airlines, SUVs, cruises and fossil fuels, in a "historic" move on climate action. With comment from Badvertising's Andrew Simms.
This Scottish City Just Banned SUV And Airline Ads. Here’s Whywww.forbes.com Advertisements for flights, gas-guzzling SUVS and cruises will no longer be permitted under a city ruling described as "historic" by campaigners.
Reposted byAvatar Tina Makereti
Please help support Byron. No one should have to deal with this as part of their job.
Writing about New Zealand's far-right has exposed me to a torrent of abuse and harassment. I am currently going through civil court to obtain a restraining order against one of this country's most notorious white supremacists. (1/2)
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The goal is to cover the fees of the lawyer I have hired for a hearing, anything raised over and above what I need will be donated to the Manaaki Collective, who provide funding for home security and other help for people targeted by the far-right. ko-fi.com/byroncclark (2/2)
Buy Byron C Clark a Coffee. ko-fi.com/byroncclarkko-fi.com Become a supporter of Byron C Clark today! ❤️ Ko-fi lets you support the creators you love with no fees on donations.
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Holy shit, he was convicted on Covfefe Day
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Ok, spread the word: we've added an extra week to the last minute, just to make sure we get applications from all of you emerging Pasifika writers who have been too busy with life admin/earning a living/protesting this week: deadline extended to 7 June! And it's a long weekend, so...
Are you someone who does everything at the last minute? Are you also an emerging Pasifika writer? The last minute is now - apply for this 3-month residency with mentor and funding by 31 May!https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/modernletters/about/emerging-pasifika-writer-in-residence
Emerging Pasifika Writer in Residence | Te Pūtahi Tuhi Auaha o Te Ao / International Institute of Modern Letters | Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellingtonwww.wgtn.ac.nz
Reposted byAvatar Tina Makereti
I was lucky enough to get to read this before it came out, you should get yourself a copy, especially if you like cli-fi and/or social realist fiction
Response/Antidote to *all of this* (reading books in general, not just mine…!)
Response/Antidote to *all of this* (reading books in general, not just mine…!)
Thinking about how my family encounters health and education almost primarily thinking about ‘ethnicity’, Nicola. Finding appropriate care and appropriate education requires a whole series of difficult encounters in order to find the least damaging route for these ‘New Zealanders’. UUGGHH 🤮
The is literally one of the most tone-deaf, bullshit wypipo excuses for fucking over POC i think I've ever heard.
Reposted byAvatar Tina Makereti
A sobering letter to the editor in today’s NZ Herald. #kikorangi #covid19
Reposted byAvatar Tina Makereti
Apologies. I think I just come on here to complain now. I’m kind of glad Twitter is gone. Watching this govt on there would have done me in anyway. I avoid all news due to the impotent rage & depression these harbingers of the end times evoke.
What is it with National’s hard on for roads? Jesus Christ they’re idiots.
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Note that the day wasn't disruptive bc of the protesters, who are hanging out doing crafts and singing waiata and tidying up after themselves, but because the institution decided to switch all the doors to swipe card access only, locking people out of buildings, lecture spaces, and meeting rooms.