Tom P

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Tom P

London based computer user.
Nice timing for my morning tea break
BBC Radio 6 Music Mary Anne Hobbs Now Playing Queen Latifah U.N.I.T.Y.
Delighted to discover Waterstones on Gower street has a section devoted to books about cats solving crimes, sorely tempted to break my resolution about not to buying new books this year
Reposted byAvatar Tom P
We should remember how good Wally Broecker was using just simple tools. More than four decades ago, in 1982, Wally predicted that atmospheric CO₂ in 2025 would be 419.5 ppm. Measured global average atmospheric CO₂ was 419.3 ppm in 2023. 👀
I feel like "a sort of weird fury that they're doing well without deserving to" aptly describes a lot of feelings around the recent Labour election win too
Yeah this is the impression I've got, that there was this long era of rage that England weren't doing better, then general acceptance that they didn't deserve to, and now surprise and delight but mixed with a sort of weird fury that they're doing well without deserving to..?
IMO this fundamentally misunderstands why people visit news sites. ie. as a reader I want journalists to spend time and effort finding and validating the interesting/ important stories and presenting them in the best way. I don't want to ask my newspaper questions like it's a quirky text adventure.
Uhhhh wtf
This new Richard Garfield game sounds fascinating the core idea is a weird mashup of Georgism and dystopian libertarianism (talking to J about this, “I’m getting stressed just thinking about it”). exactly the kind of system that board games do well at interrogating
I wonder how much of the shift to the right is (subconsciously) a response to the jaws of climate change starting to clamp down and bite. Not a healthy conscious acknowledgement, no attempt to mitigate or adapt, but a lizard brain shutdown, retreat to the fortress, close the gates, eco-fascism.
That we're scrabbling around having to deal with fantasy-toting fascist morons is beyond belief. We literally have a planet to fix and a looming (ultimate) deadline. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Not much interesting in the way of election graphics this year. All the main players using the tried and tested solutions in slightly different ways. Cartograms were a bit more to the fore and no sankey diagrams. The Guardian's layout does particularly wierd things to South Wales
When I was at the BBC News website a whole chunk of the archive was saved by a random mid-level front end developer who I used to sit next to copying the contents of the old news server to a "secret" directory on the new one. A couple of years later the pages were quietly restored.
the erasure of 20+ years of news stories here is yet another sign that future generations will have much richer knowledge of the 1930s than they will the GW Bush and Obama years. The wayback machine is carrying a lot of weight these days. If that goes, adios:
MTV News Website Goes Dark, Archives Pulled The website of the already-defunct MTV News has been fully pulled offline.
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Sunak’s most significant political legacy is that he has brought a form of climate denial politics firmly into the mainstream of British politics, to the point that “a bland statement about a ‘cost’ both parties are committed to” is being written up like this in the Times.
Sometimes does my head in that political ‘debate’ in UK is so brainless Net Zero cost hundreds of billions. But COMPARED TO WHAT???? New fired power stations are currently subsidised, for example, and gas price crisis has cost UK hundreds of billions
Labour say net zero by 2050 will cost ‘hundreds of billions’ Darren Jones, shadow chief ­secretary to the Treasury, described the original £28 billion pledge as a ‘tiny amount’
Finishing this before heading in to work. Vintage Discworld, one of the best (certainly in my top 5). Perceptive, funny, deeply humane. Also there’s a kind of quiet anger, just below the surface, that i never really noticed before.
no one ever asks me what my favourite American Journal of Physis cover is but anyway, it's this
here’s a map i made for my kid’s d&d campaign. we used the trace-round-rice-scattered-on-paper technique as seen in a youtube video. an enjoyably mindless process
leapt out of bed at 7 o’clock, ate breakfast, made pack lunches only to realise i’d actually leapt out of bed at 5 o’clock because my brain can’t tell the difference between things rotated around a vertical axis 🕔 | 🕖
Can’t recommend this magazine enough. I have subs to quite a few print mags these days and this is the one I look forward to most. Proper in depth articles, fantastic illustrations, a real joy!
Wyrd Science 6, the final issue of vol 1 is out next month, so we need to make some space in the warehouse So grab our 3 issue bundle, covering everything from RPGs like Mothership, WFRP & Vaesen to the best new wargames & boardgames Check the replies for the table of contents
Reposted byAvatar Tom P
i bought that guy and a tony leung from shang chi and swapped the heads so i'd have my very own Sad Smoking Mr. Chow from IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE which had surprisingly little tie-in merch aside from the unhappy meals
I'm stuck
Prediction Bracket fans! You can take part in the predictions for the last 32 in the LAST EVER POP POLL (in their current form) without having to set foot on any other social network.
RAGNAPOP Final Stages - Explore this tournament hosted by TomEwing
“Don’t try and learn 18xx games by reading the rule book” they said, “get someone to teach you” they said. (They were right)
100% my favourite artwork from the Rogue Trader book (also the 2000ad-esq one of a Space Marine arresting a petty street punk). The way the book is tonally all over the place is just glorious. By contrast the aesthetic uniformity of modern 40k feels so lifeless to me
Games Workshop: You get those drawings of the heroes of our brand new toy range? Will Rees: Sure did boss, real fuckin disgusting just like you asked. GW: what
Pretty glad that I’m not working on election graphics these days. 2005-17 I made maps and other assorted graphics for 20 elections. It was always a period of long hours and stress induced insomnia. This is the first uk election I’ve been able to “enjoy” as a civilian for 20yrs (2019 was too soon).
Impressive how absent general election coverage is from the pages/websites of the right wing tabloids at the moment. Can you imagine what it'd be like if Corbyn had left the D day memorial thing early?
Apparently Populous came out 35 years ago. I have a really clear memory of seeing this ad in ACE magazine and resolving to save up for an Amiga.
Went to see Furiosa at the cinema. I'd love to see more stuff at the cinema and it's not really the selection of films that's stopping me, it's that it costs £17(!!!) to see a sunday matinee at our local pretty average Picturehouse. Think that's nearly twice the rate of inflation since 2000
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Rishi Sunak announces general election, in Duke Nukem 3D
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My latest cartoon for New Scientist.